What is Intuition?

Simply put, intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning.

Let your intuition guide you. Tarotjpg

Intuition is a normal, natural human function, it doesn’t have to be looked at as “woo-woo”, and you don’t have to be psychic to use it  – it can be worked and trained.

When I finally learned to trust my intuition and made it an integral part of my life, everything changed: my outlook on life, my relationships, the way I conducted my business and working life, my finances and, importantly, my stress levels.

It really felt like I’d discovered my ‘super power’ – cheesy, eh?

At various times in my life, when I tried trusting my intuition, it never let me down, but, for some reason, I never trusted it enough to lean into it completely.

You’ve probably had those times too:

  • when you just know that the relationship is not worth fighting for;

  • when you decide to take a different route home;

  • when you hear from someone that you were just thinking about;

  • when you keep seeing repeating number patterns; and,

  • when something keeps cropping up in your life, but you keep ignoring it.

Those synchronicities and serendipitous events that you just cannot explain.

My journey to tapping into my intuition


In my story, things changed after a business deal went disastrously wrong for me in 2019; I felt utterly lost.

I trust people far too easily, so betrayal is the hardest thing for me to accept or understand.

I fight hard for relationships and fairness so it confuses me to the core when others don’t behave in the same ways as me.

Injustice feels utterly alien.

Now, this is readily explained by my Libra Moon – this doesn’t mean I can suddenly handle betrayal well, instead, it means I understand why I felt so hurt, and I can look at the situation as an observer.

In order to move forward, I knew I had to go ‘within’.

To be honest, I barely knew what that meant.

I’ve always struggled to meditate or even relax because my busy ‘monkey mind’ flits so quickly between subjects.

I downloaded so many videos and ‘how to’ guides, but never got round to watching them!

But I knew that I needed a reboot so that I didn’t keep trusting people so quickly, expecting too much (unfairly), getting hurt, then spiralling through feeling angry, deceived and hard-done-by.

I don’t enjoy wallowing in the ‘poor me’, ‘pity party’ place, and have to come out of bad situations with something productive.

So I started listening to my intuition and asked myself some deep and meaningful questions:

  • What did I really want to get out of the way I felt?

  • Where could I go from here in a way that I’d benefit?

  • Was there something good I could take from the lessons I learned about myself, others, and relationships in general?

  • And the big one… what next?

Those questions led me down a few rabbit holes.

Wondering whether I should just change my expectations of others: should I be a little tougher; have fewer friends; stay off social media (eek!); sit at home, sipping my gin, not exercising and comfort eating – all of which are quite enjoyable for a while but, ultimately, didn’t leave me feeling great!

Discovering Intuitive Tarot


Finally, I decided to pick up my Tarot cards again after a few years away from them.

I sat quietly one evening, tapping into my intuition, feeling a bit crazy, wondering if this was a little too ‘woo-woo’ for me.

But I was determined to explore what was going on an emotional level, rather than trying to translate the mayhem and noise of my busy ‘monkey mind’, because that mind didn’t have any great answers.

The result that day was amazing, I felt like I was being really honest with myself as I looked at and interpreted the Tarot Cards in front of me.

It was as though I was having a conversation with myself – weird, I know, but trust me, it was a revelation.

Right then, I decided I wanted to learn more so I could help anyone else who was at a crossroads, looking for insights or answers, or simply for support.

Things felt as though they were slotting into place, although, at that point, I didn’t know quite how life was about to change.

Then followed months of studying, tons of practice, heaps of feedback and meditation – I’m still a work in progress, but it’s so worthwhile.

Trusting my intuition all the way got me through it.

I began checking in with that intuition to make sure that I was on the right path.

Now, tapping into my intuition is like second nature.

The decisions I make are coming from a place that’s full of self-compassion, calm, mindfulness, and integrity.

Intuition has led me to live a life with less stress and I am much more understanding and compassionate with other people, as well as more forgiving of myself.

Training my intuition whilst studying Tarot, in particular, has heightened my awareness and it’s an integral element in my Readings as I tap into the collective consciousness and Divine wisdom to unlock the signs held in the cards.

The other essential part of any Tarot reading with me is the intuition of the enquirer.

I work with you to ensure that you feel any reading resonate at the deepest level of your inner knowing.

Get in touch today to start your journey of self-discovery and tap into your intuition — browse my Tarot Readings below to see what the Signs have to tell you:


An Introduction to Astrology


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