Hello, there!

Welcome to Stars & Signs


This is it – the day we’re hitting ‘launch’ on my new venture and I couldn’t be more excited to finally be able to share it with you.

Say hello to Stars & Signs!

I’ve combined two of the oldest hobbies from my past, brought them into my present and now they are defining my future – how very apt.

Setting up Stars & Signs has been a labour of love as I rediscovered the interests I had in my teenage years and worked with my daughter, Tassia, to bring my vision into reality.

She’s the one who set up the website and provided great marketing guidance as well as instructions on how to use TikTok!  It’s been such fun working with her and I’ll be forever grateful.

At this point, I’d like to thank my family and friends who allowed me to ‘practice’ on them as well as providing support and encouragement.  Thanks to my fabulous friend, Rachael, who was quite inspired when she came up with my new business name, and my lovely friend, Heather, who has typed so many of my notes that she must know the subjects herself by now.  And, thanks to my gorgeous hubby, Ian,
and my little Maltese, Poppet, for giving me the space, motivation, hot meals,
and love to continue this incredible journey.

How did Stars & Signs come to be?


So, back to launch mode… Like many teenagers, I had an interest in Astrology as a way of trying to understand the world around me – there was so much teenage angst in this dreamy Piscean!

Tarot was also something that intrigued me but I was wary of it because the cards seemed so mystical and hard to interpret.

I was gifted my first Rider Waite Tarot deck at just 15 by my very intuitive Aquarian Mum. Over the years, I’ve read so many articles, bought magazines and books on the subjects, and focused on the zodiac or Tarot as it might be applied to me.

Apart from my nearest and dearest, I never considered looking at anyone’s else’s signs or cards in any detail as a way of understanding them.

I did, however, ‘plan’ my children by their birth signs, and it seems the Universe was with me on that one! She helped me to add my Leo boy and Aries girl to the mix of signs that I already had in my family.  I love the Fire energy and, although I didn’t know it at the time, it was exactly the element that was missing in my chart so I really need it!

Intuition is a funny thing when you start leaning into it.

My career has always been focussed on my logical, mathematically-inclined brain and I’ve spent 30+ years running small businesses – something that I never understood for my Pisces Sun Sign.

I thought I was supposed to be too woolly-headed and dreamy for the practical aspects of life. It never occurred to me to look further into my chart for an explanation or to ask the cards which path I should be taking.

Then in 2019, life changed quite suddenly.  I was about to step away from a Pole Dancing business which I’d been running alongside my day job owning a construction business with my hubby, Ian.

Yes, Pole Dancing! I love having weird aspects to my personality, and, from my
Astrology training, I can now explain that in my Astro Natal Chart, too!

Unfortunately, the sale of my business went badly and I was angry, upset and confused,
questioning friendships, which was an area of life that had constantly confounded me.

I knew I had to take responsibility for finding out why I felt like I did and what was
actually going on in my psyche.

Astrology & Tarot training


I turned to Tarot first.  I had several readings and, as I became hungry for more information, I took a few courses and began to trawl the internet for places to study in-depth.

I also now know from my Astro Birth Chart that I have the drive to discover and learn more about any hobby or interest and, interestingly, to turn things into businesses too.  That explains the Pole Dancing too, then!

After a lot of research – thanks to my Gemini Rising Sign – I found Biddy Tarot.

Biddy Tarot is a great resource run by a Tarot professional with a corporate background who has both an eye for detail and a simple method for teaching the intricacies of the cards.

I immersed myself in the wonderful world of Tarot and completed all the training within a few months to become a Certified Intuitive Tarot Advisor.  I’m still continuing my studies with Biddy Tarot and other reputable Tarot professionals, so my skills are continually topped up.

Rekindling my love of Astrology closely followed Tarot and, thanks to some free time during lockdown 2020, I was able to start learning through Debra Silverman Astrology.

I’ve recently completed my Level 3 training with DSA so I’m proud to be a Graduate Astrologer.  

I’m also continuing my studies with DSA and other respected Astrologers so I can gain as much knowledge as possible in order to pass on those nuggets of wisdom to my clients.

What is Stars & Signs?


The more readings I did, the more I realised two things.

Firstly and most importantly, everyone really just wants to be heard and understood.

Secondly, most of us have forgotten how to trust our own intuition.

I believe we simply need someone to help us carve out some time and show us how to tap into our own inner wisdom – our intuition.

We need someone who can show us how to turn on our own ‘Observer’ to discover the parts of our personality that we’ve buried or kept hidden.

I’m driven by a desire to really help people – in another life, I might have chosen a career as a psychologist because people fascinate me, and I actually did a Child Psychology course when my children were little.

I’ve been working hard on training my intuition and studying to build my knowledge – Stars and Signs is the outlet for those skills – and I’m so excited to be able to share those things with you through my Astrology and Tarot Readings.

I don’t consider myself to be ‘psychic’ or a ‘fortune teller’; instead, I prefer to think of myself as an intuitive life coach, providing guidance, healing and support; helping you to accept and love who you truly are at your core.

So join me on a journey of self-discovery, it’s been incredibly enlightening for me, it’s changed my relationships and made me so much happier and calmer, and I hope it will do all those things for you, too.

Welcome to Stars & Signs.


What is Intuition?