An Introduction to Astrology


I’ve read so many horoscopes in so many different magazines, but I am just not, and never have been a typical Piscean!

Pisceans are typically known as dreamy, romantic, vague, confusing, the silent type, compassionate, preferring fantasy to reality, artistic, creative, and into all things woo-woo.

Well, some of that is true, I suppose, but, I’d never say I’m artistic and I simply cannot do silent – I’m a wordy gal and, frequently, an over-sharer who’s always reading at least ten different books/magazines, listening to half a dozen podcasts, and three different Netflix series.

I don’t do ‘information in any form, by halves.

Astrology came to my rescue and helped to iron out all those nuances that make me the type of Piscean that I am: romantic, confusing, loving a bit of woo-woo, but also chatty, concerned about other people, with a high sense of loyalty and justice, and, dare I say it, often a people-pleaser who hates making decisions.

The main explanation in my chart is in my Libra Moon, which is all about relationships and wanting the status quo; and my Gemini Rising Sign, where my soul needs to talk and share something new that I’ve read, listened to, or watched.

The rest of my chart has oodles of Aquarius, the planet of technology and lover of Astrology – what more needs to be said?

When I add in the House placements too, the significance in the 10th House of work and social status, that explains my need to be seen as more than competent in my business.

Image courtesy of @butterly.medicine

Image courtesy of @butterly.medicine

There are ten astral bodies used in Astrology to help us describe our potential character traits and life experiences, most of which have been studied since ancient times.

The most recently discovered planets – the ‘outer’ planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – represent more abstract concepts such as the unconscious, imagination, and technology.

The ten astral bodies are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Besides the Moon, all the planets revolve around the Sun, moving at different speeds.

These planets, along with the Sun and Moon and their associated elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire), can help us to make sense of what we’re experiencing on this crazy, mixed-up planet we call home: Earth.

We also refer to the Rising Sign, the sign that was on the Eastern-most horizon at the time of your birth.

Your Rising Sign is an indicator of what your soul, or deepest part of you, is ‘rising’ into –  who you came here to be (not to be confused with your Life Lesson, that’s good old Saturn and there’s a strict teacher to be found there!).

An example of these planetary influences is fast-moving Mercury, which describes how we think and learn, as well as how we communicate.

You may be a quick-talking, rapidly gesticulating Gemini Sun, but with Mercury in Taurus, you’re likely to need bite-size pieces of information repeated to you for anything to stick.

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Having this level of information to hand can help us in so many ways in our relationships – with significant others, our parents, siblings, children, friends and work colleagues.

But most of all, it can help us to understand ourselves, giving us the permission we may need to be who we truly are, as well as offering us insight into the areas we may need to work on.

Understanding where someone’s Mars sits in their chart as the planet of energy and passion, which can ignite a fiery character, might prevent a high-volume discussion.

With insights like these, we can adapt our behaviour with awareness so everyone can feel validated.

I’m so grateful that Astrology has helped me work through some challenges in recent times.

I’m calmer, more understanding and, dare I say it, happier because I can turn on my internal Observer and check in with myself to assess why I’m feeling or acting the way I am.

Knowing that my instinctive behaviour sometimes needs modifying in certain ways to better interact with others has been enlightening in so many ways.

I know I’m not great at making decisions – my Pisces/Libra mix hates conflict – so I work to make decisive choices every day. That way, it gets easier each time I do it while also igniting my missing Fire element!

Learning about your natal chart as well as the current planetary transits is potent if you are willing to learn the lessons, accept the permissions, and step out of your way to fulfil your potential.

You can honour your nature and the rhythms of your life; work on the default patterns that don’t quite get you through, to reach a place where you’re thriving, not just surviving.

When you know better, you really can be better!


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