Stars Spotlight: The Sun


You are my sunshine, my only ‘Sun Sign’

Our Sun is life-giving energy; it dictates the start and end of a day and it’s perfectly positioned from Earth to sustain life – 93 million miles away.

It’s exactly the right distance from us for our survival and we are completely dependent on it keeping us at precisely the right temperature every day.

Just thinking about that makes me feel quite humble!

Throughout the centuries, our Sun has been worshipped as a deity and, today, we even use the term ‘sun-worshipping’ when we lie under its burning rays to tan our bodies!

We are drawn to it, just like flowers and trees are, leaning it to its wonderful power.

Without it, we are lifeless, dull and depressed, deficient of Vitamin D.

It even has the power to dictate what we wear – no-one would want to don a thick, woolly jumper on a sunny day!

This glowing fire-ball is at the heart of our existence as human beings, it is essential to life on our planet and, from the point of view of Astrology, it is also a key component of our Birth Chart.  

It is our centrepiece and the filter through which we experience our lives: the centre of our individual universe.

We can think of it as our life force, our ego and how we show up in the world – the outward expression of our ‘self’.

In esoteric law, our Sun Sign represents our ‘normal’ adult personality; our immediate responses - those ‘can’t help yourself but be a Virgo (or whatever!)’ sort of traits.

It also indicates how our ambition, hope and courage show up or where our pride and self-centred behaviour might be present.

The constellation that the Sun is in on the date that you are born is what becomes known as your Sun Sign (aka Star Sign) – for example, Aries, Gemini, or one of the other 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

The difference between our Sun Sign and our Rising Sign (aka Ascendant) is the difference between our date of birth and our ‘moment’ of birth – the time of day.

As a naturally ‘fiery’ star/planet, the Sun is happiest in the Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

That’s not to say you can’t be happy as a Pisces Sun Sign, it may just mean that you’re working a little harder to ensure that you shine and stand out boldly in this world.


The Sun through the Elements

I’ve already mentioned that the Sun is at its happiest and most comfortable in the Fire Signs, so let’s look at how each element affects this outward of our personality.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

In a Water Sign, your personality would appear more emotionally sensitive with intuition and instinct playing a role in everyday decision-making.

Inwardly focussed and more reflective, you may be naturally caring and calming to those around you.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

In an Air Sign, your personality enjoys mental stimulation and being sociable.

Chatting and learning about any and every subject suits you perfectly... for short bursts of time, anyway.

You entertain the rest of us with stories and like to make the rest of us think.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

In an Earth Sign, your personality is naturally grounded and reliable.

Enjoying the practical side of life, you may be great with money and have a solid work ethic.

You keep the rest of us in order and hold us accountable.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

In a Fire Sign, your personality is given lots of energy by the Sun.

You may enjoy being active, focussing on goals with vitality and passion.

You can be honest with us and keep us motivated by inspiring us to achieve more.

The Sun through the Signs

As we dive a little deeper into the nuances of each Sign, we can see how the four elements are displayed –  with their good (and not so good) traits.

Sun signs.png

Aries: confident, bold, ambitious, initiating (or bossy, pushy, demanding)
Taurus: loyal, dependable, grounded, practical (or stubborn, slow, stuck)
Gemini: communicator, flexible, efficient, intellectual (or flighty, changeable, scattered)
Cancer: nurturing, committed, sensitive, emotional (or overbearing, moody, overly emotional)
Leo: fun, creative, playful, optimistic (or self-centred, dramatic, show-off, selfish)
Virgo: methodical, service-orientated, analytical, precise (or fussy, picky, judgemental)
Libra: fair, peace-making, diplomatic, harmonising (or indecisive, people-pleasing, co-dependent)
Scorpio: powerful, passionate, transformative, sexual (or controlling, spiteful, manipulative)
Sagittarius: adventurous, inspiring, big-thinking, spiritual (or blunt, reckless, indulgent)
Capricorn: hard-working, mature, wise, steady (or cautious, status-conscious, never satisfied)
Aquarius: non-conformist, free, humanitarian, eccentric (or rebellious, detached, unemotional)
Pisces: romantic, compassionate, mystical, empathic (or confusing, self-sabotaging, secretive)

The Sun is ‘dignified’ in Leo, naturally wanting to be the centre of attention, at the heart of whatever might be going on.

To be regarded as ‘dignified’ in a particular Sign means that the energies of a planet are comfortable in that placement – they are in sync with the qualities of that particular Sign.  

However, the Sun is actually ‘exalted’ (the highest placement) in Aries, because the dynamic and strong leadership qualities of the Sun are heightened further in bold and daring Aries.

The House that your Sun Sign is in will be lit up by its energy and this will be a key theme throughout your life.

It can indicate your interests, your impulses, your focus and fascinations as well as where in your life you shine like the star that you are.

Aspects to your Sun Sign – the relationship of the other planets in your Chart – are also key details to discover in your Chart because they can heighten your Sun’s energy or quieten it down.

Knowing your Sun Sign is certainly a fundamental part of your story but there are so many other facets to consider when we look at your personality.

The interaction of your ego/personality with your emotions, your thought processes and so much more, will provide insights and offer clarity, as well as the ‘permission slips’ to be authentically yourself.

Get in touch now to discover the fascinating details about your Astrological Birth Chart and unlock the keys to living your most authentic life.


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