What’s It Like to Have an Astrology or Tarot Reading?

In the last couple of blogs, I’ve talked a little about what Astrology and Tarot have to offer as resources to understanding ourselves, our relationships with others and our ‘Human Experience’.

Here, I’m going to explain what it’s like to have a Reading; what you can expect during our time together; what insights you might gain and what short-term and long-term benefits can be achieved.

Firstly, I strive to ensure that all Readings (Astrology and Tarot) are non-judgemental.

I make absolutely no assumptions about you or your situation based either on your Birth Chart or the questions that you’d like to address in a Reading.

I think this is essential in helping us to build trust between us and to ensure that we arrive at the insights to provide the support, guidance, and answers you may be looking for.

Readings are designed to support and promote individuality and diversity.

I’m not looking to pigeonhole you, your personality or your questions.

I want us to end every session feeling as though we have truly celebrated your uniqueness; giving you the ‘permission slips’ to embrace every facet of who you authentically can here to be.

Whilst your Reading can be recorded if taking place via video, these videos are not shared with anyone else.

They take place in a safe, secure and private environment where your information is not shared.  I will always protect your personal information.

Secondly, I want your Reading to be a fun dialogue between us so I will ask questions to ensure that you are finding answers deep within your own psyche.

Our own inner wisdom and our deep subconscious contain nuggets of information that can be the keys to unlocking the myriad of solutions that we may be searching for.

As they say, “What we seek, is seeking us”.

And so to the nitty-gritty, let’s break down each type of Reading.

Astrology Readings

Prior to our time together, I will ask you for the date, time and place of your birth.

If you don’t have an exact birth time then we aren’t always able to find absolute accuracy with your Rising Sign.

However, I can highly recommend Chart Rectification for ascertaining that vital piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

I’ll spend 2-4 hours before our session, preparing the information that we’ll discuss at your Reading.

This information will include details about your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs, and how they work together; the energies that they bring which may complement or conflict with each other.

I’ll also look at the Houses that each of these are ‘sitting in’.

The Astrological Houses represent specific areas of lives like work, home and health so it’s often interesting to see where these ‘Super Three’ are shining their focus in your life.

Sun: ego and outward personality
Moon: emotions and inward personality
Rising Sign: soul drive and can also show physical attributes

I’ll then look at some Key Aspects within your chart –  this refers to which of the 10 planets may be highlighted as particularly significant.

Perhaps Mars (your planet of energy) is in Capricorn in the 9th House – this Aspect would point towards your drive/energy being work-focused, possibly in higher education.

Yes, we can get that specific!

These Key Aspects will also show us the areas of your life which may leave you feeling pulled in different directions.

Perhaps you’re driven to be a homebody but also have a sense of wanderlust which leaves you feeling constantly unfulfilled.

Just knowing these facets of our personalities can help us to honour and resolve these areas of internal conflict.

We can also discuss your relationships with other people.

Parental, sibling, partner, child and co-worker harmony/conflict is often easier to understand when we understand ourselves.

Becoming the Observer in our own lives enables us to take a step back and make more conscious decisions about how to deal with any given situation.

Once we’ve talked about your personality and the indications for your life path, the Reading then becomes more current as we focus on the Transits that are taking place right now.

It’s often really interesting to know that Jupiter is crossing your Midheaven and you might find yourself on the brink of a promotion or publishing that book you’re writing.

As the planet of luck and expansion, Jupiter passing over that area of your chart can heighten your work, career, public status, and reputation.

If there are specific dates that you’d like to review then I can check those in the ephemeris – a book with the details of all the planetary transits.

We can look at significant dates in the past as well as the future.

As I have looked back at the good times and bad times in my own life, it’s been revealing to see the placement of certain planets during those times.

Follow-up Readings are a great way for us to keep in touch over the coming months/years so that you can take a dive deeper into your Chart to uncover more nuances in your personality.  

We can also track the events in your life, helping you to plan and prepare to ensure that you are maximising the transits for your own Chart.

After our session, I’ll send you a copy of your video recording and your Birth Chart for reference.  I will, of course, be available if you need to follow up on any specific points for clarity.

Tarot Reading

Tarot Readings often focus on specific questions but I also enjoy non-specific Readings where we are looking for the universe to ‘tell us what you need to know’.

At the start of our Reading, I like to take a little time to ensure that we are both relaxed and set an intention for our time together.

I believe this is important to open ourselves up to our own intuition as well as universal and Divine wisdom so that we are maximising the energy that surrounds us.

I will place some crystals around my Tarot cloth – usually Selenite and Clear Quartz, sometimes I use other crystals depending on the energy that I’m feeling at the time.

I have a few preferred Tarot decks that I like to work with and it can be your choice of cards that we use for the Reading.

You may have already given me an indication of the subject matter for your enquiry or some specific questions, or we could be working with the Grand Cross for a deeper general enquiry, or the 12-Card Year in Focus.

Taking some time to shuffle, I will close my eyes to enable me to focus and I quietly say a few phrases to prepare the session and set the intention for the Reading.

“I am a channel for the divine truth

I am open to receiving the messages that are available to me now

I trust my intuition and the Divine wisdom that surrounds me”

I then fan out the cards in front of me and choose however many we are working with for this particular Reading.

You’ll be able to see the cards as they are being laid in front of me on my Tarot cloth and I’ll take a photo for you which I forward to you to refer to as we’re speaking and also include with your video recording.

We begin with an overview of the energies that I feel are present and any particular card that seems significant, like a Major Arcana card.

As we progress through the Reading, we’ll talk through each card individually and what it means on a deeper level in the context of this session as well as to you, in particular.

I’m keen for our interaction to be a dialogue so that we are able to harness the intuition that lies within us both.

Readings are coaching sessions to help guide us to the answers that you may be looking for.

Once we have discussed each card, the relationship between the cards needs to be examined to ascertain how their energies work together.

Then, we will circle back to the start with another overview of how the cards are showing themselves to us in their entirety and the overall focus areas.

For example, do we have more Wands (energy) or more Cups (emotions); are we looking at a significant life theme (Major Arcana), or is there a person or an element of your personality that needs some focus (Court card).

Every session finishes with a ‘check-in’ to see whether you have any questions or need clarity on anything that we’ve discussed.

If there has been a lot of information exchanged then I’m happy to allow you to sit with everything we’ve talked through and to contact me after our session.

There are so many benefits waiting to be experienced in both an Astrology Reading and a Tarot Reading.

Personally, my first full Astrology Reading was a revelation!

I felt like I suddenly had so much more permission to be myself.

I had pigeon-holed myself as a Piscean – dreamy, vague, romantic, shy – but, now I’m an adult, I am such a chatterbox and I’d never describe myself as vague; indecisive but never vague!  

The revelation was discovering that I have lots (and lots!) of Air in my Chart – I’m a natural-born talker.

For me, the biggest change was finding out that I should be working my North Node – you don’t need to understand that one here, just trust me here, I’m a Graduate Astrologer now!

My North Node is in Leo – the sign of the show-off, the one who needs to stand out.

For me, being a shy Piscean had been part of who I thought I was, but leaning into this Leonine energy has been exactly what I needed.

Scary to start with, but totally liberating.

I believe that an Intuitive Reading can be a deeply moving experience.

I have personally had some very meaningful experiences when reading the cards for myself; finding greater awareness during some challenging times.

As we uncover and work with our own inner wisdom, there are insights to be found in our deepest longings, darkest fears and long-held beliefs; some of which serve us well but many which do not.

By unlocking and revealing these hidden truths we can learn to trust ourselves along with collective and Divine wisdom.

Our time together will come to an end once we have reached a point where you are clear about your path ahead and believe you have some clarity to resolve any issues.

So, there you have it, that’s what to expect when you request a Stars & Signs Reading.

A fun, informal chat with me where we talk all about YOU – what’s not to love about that!


Stars Spotlight: The Sun


An Introduction to Tarot