The Basics of Esoteric Law

Esoteric Law

My understanding of Esoteric Law (aka Universal Spiritual Law)

Over my years of studying and reading about Tarot and Astrology, I have often heard the term ‘Esoteric Law’.

I’d accepted seeing it within a sentence without really questioning what it meant – isn’t that crazy!

That nonsense was partly coming from a place of ego – who wants to admit a lack of understanding when you feel as though you’re just supposed to know?

Like many people, I’d heard of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Attachment, the Law of Manifestation, the Law of Cause and Effect; to name a few but I had no idea that they were actually all part of the larger term ‘Universal/Esoteric Law’.

Simply put, Esoteric Law means ‘that which is understood by few people with a specialised knowledge or interest’.

These days, it often has the connotation of meaning mystical and difficult to understand or philosophise.

Over the last 18 months, as my studies into Astrology and Tarot have really taken shape, I’ve had to examine what this strange phrase means to me.

Here’s my ‘basic’ understanding and what I have come to believe and trust during that time.

There are many universal, spiritual, ‘esoteric’ laws that affect our lives, depending on which books you read will depend on how many you find.

They are believed to be the unchanging laws of our universe and many are scientifically provable which is great for those of us who love working with logic too.

These laws have their origins in ancient cultures across various religions, spiritual beliefs and philosophies particularly Greek, Egyptian and Hawaiian traditions.

Many books are now readily available detailing how to put the laws into daily practices, with gurus like Deepak Chopra, working with these laws and becoming household names.

From a spiritual perspective, fundamental to these laws is the belief that, as souls, prior to our arrival here on Earth, we ‘agreed’ or ‘chose’ to accept our physical bodies and experience life through the Human Experience.

It is a place for us to learn lessons, interact with other souls, and navigate situations and events.  How we deal with those situations, events and people will ultimately determine how we learn, grow and progress through life – or not, as the case may be.

Religions may differ in their interpretation of these beliefs but with all the goal or aim is to pass through this life/lives to a more enlightened state having mastered the lessons that we faced and experienced.

Those of us who feel more spiritually inclined as opposed to following a single religion, believe that this can take many different lifetimes and we can return to Earth to experience similar situations and possibly even encounter the same people so that we can resolve any ‘unfinished business.

Have you ever had déjà vu when meeting someone or felt like you just know what’s about to happen next?

Once we accept our life is an experience to be worked through with grace and compassion, then it can become easier to understand and navigate – which I find both simple and complicated to comprehend, what a dichotomy!

Each of the universal laws plays its role in our lives as we make our decisions and choices.

A greater understanding of each law can lead to its mastery, showing us how to trust and use it to create and live a fulfilling, meaningful and authentic life.

These laws can also often help to explain how we arrived at the place we now find ourselves.  As an example, how many of us have driven to a car park with the thought in our heads that there just won’t be a space available because it’s raining and everyone else will have got those precious spaces?

That’s the Law of Attraction at work.

Here’s a quick run-through of some of the key Laws as I interpret them:

Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness

This is the big one!

Basically, this means that we are all connected – everything that is, was and ever shall be. Mind-blowing, eh?

We are energy; energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed!

Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration

Everything has a vibration and frequency.

We can attract or repel with our vibration.

The greatest manifesters love this Law – you must match the vibration of whatever it is that you want.

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence

To work with this Law, you need to become aware of the patterns you repeat every day, examining those which serve you and those which are detrimental to your progression through life.

Often, this will mean examining our childhood wounds, generational beliefs, our ‘back story’.  

Once we become consciously aware of these patterns, we can make more empowered choices.


The Law of Attraction

Made famous by many books over recent years, this is when the Law of Vibration becomes a conscious choice.

You are a product of the decisions you have made up to this point and you are always capable of making different decisions to attract different circumstances, if you choose to.

Self-worth and value are often tied up in our beliefs about the Law of Attraction.

We say “You get what you deserve” when we feel we are being penalised by the Law of Attraction.

What we need is to change the mindset!

Law of Inspired Action

The Law of Inspired Action

This Law takes the Laws of Vibration and Attraction to the max by making sure there is action-orientated behaviour to work ‘with’ the universe.

It’s not letting you get away with simple ‘wishful thinking’.

Law of Perpetual Transputation of ENergy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

I think of this as the ‘butterfly effect’; the smallest action can make the biggest difference.  

Everything has the power to affect everything else.

You have more power than you can imagine, which is yet another incredible thought!

Making yourself feel better every day with simple acts of self-care can have a truly profound effect.

Dancing around your kitchen, making yourself smile to feel true gratitude, singing, meditating, lovely warm baths in a candlelit room... you get the idea.

Law of Karma

The Law of Cause and Effect (aka The Law of Karma)

We know this as ‘any action causes a reaction’.

Whatever you put out – good or bad – you get back in some way, at some time.

Your choices, actions and decisions affect you and those around you so it’s always going to be better to come from a positive, heart-centred place.

Law of COmpensation

The Law of Compensation

We’ve all heard the phrase “you reap what you sow” – the rewards from hard work; not just in financial terms but in a spiritual sense too.

Even in those times when we feel under-appreciated, we need to keep our trust in the universe to deliver our rewards.

Giving love, compassion, kindness and care will all be rewarded, in this life or the next!

Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity

No one thing, situation, person, or event is inherently good or bad.

There are always perspectives and we are the ones who assign meanings, descriptions and feelings.

Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity

As above, so below,
As within, so without,
As the universe, so the soul.

— Hermes Trismegistus

Day and night, dark and light, up and down: one cannot exist without the other.

It is hard to accept that without sadness, we cannot truly understand happiness.

These polarities are essential to the Human Experience and are often the very element that we struggle with most.

And yet, this is how we learn, we can only become masters after many failures and mistakes.

When we know what we don’t want, we can ascertain what we ‘do’ want.

Law of Perpetual Motion

The Law of Perpetual Motion

Everything is always changing.

No matter how challenging your situation is, always know that this too will change.

And, when life is going really well, we have to accept that we cannot make things last but we can understand that every stage of life brings new promises.

Law of Giving and Receiving

The Law of Giving and Receiving

Working with balance is key for a productive and happy life.

Particularly in relationships; we need to respect the other person whilst still honouring our own needs.

If you are a natural people-pleaser, this one can be tough, but you’re doing everyone a disservice if you never honour your own needs.

You could be denying someone else the chance to give if you are not able to work with this Law.

Law of Dharma

The Law of ‘Dharma’ or Purpose in Life

This one is probably my favourite and something which has become more important to me over the last couple of years.

I believe that we all have a purpose in life and within that purpose will be a way of being in service to humanity.

Our aim is to find that purpose and work with it.

That’s not to say that it will be easy.

We all come into this life with skills that can help others and ourselves grow, maybe from previous lifetimes.

When we put those skills to good use, we know we are doing something profound, we ‘feel’ it on a soul level.

We are living our Dharma: our Purpose.

So, there you have it, a weighty subject for this week’s newsletter and I hope I have given you food for thought.

It’s not easy to put such complex thoughts into a single article, which is why so many others have written books on this subject!

I recommend checking out Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws for Success where he details his beliefs.

Which of the Esoteric Laws means the most to you?


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