Leo Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast

“A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinions of sheep.”

Fixed | Fire | Ruled by The Sun

Keywords: Dramatic, Gregarious, Protective, Centre of Attention, Generous, Proud, Ambitious, Creative, Loyal, Optimistic, Charismatic, Leader

After the sensitivity of Cancer season, we're stepping up and taking centre-stage for Leo season.

With a toss of its purr-fect mane, Leo emerges as the natural-born leader, seeking attention and needing validation, their charisma and ambition are magnetic.

Fortunately, their generous and protective nature makes us forgive their need for constant reassurance.

Do you know how to stand up and roar for yourself?

Can you take centre-stage and be seen for who you truly are?

It's time to wear bright colours to boost your confidence, find the courage to pursue your dreams, and go after what you want – let your roar be heard!

Next season, we'll be halfway through the Astrological year, and I'll review the yearly forecasts so you can see how you're aligning with the energy of what's in store for 2024.

How to read your 2024 Leo season horoscope

As you review your own Horoscope for this season, remember to focus on your Rising Sign first, then the Sun for a day chart and the Moon for a night chart.

But all three are relevant and can be blended together to offer more meaningful interpretations of the upcoming energies in your life.

When does Leo season start?

Leo season officially starts on July 22nd, 2024 at 8:45 am (BST).

Book that hair appointment, wear bright colours and make yourself feel fabulously shiny!

When does Leo season end?

Mark your calendars, because Cancer season comes to a close on August 22nd, 2024 at 3:55 pm (BST).

After that, get ready to declutter and organise your life as Virgo season brings our focus back to the To Do lists and planning!

What energy does Leo season bring for you?

We've swapped our sensitive family time for the socially vibrant sign of Leo.

Parties and social engagements are now the order of the day.

Ruled by the Sun, the planet of vitality and light, Leo season is all about being seen in your full glory and vigour, shining like the Star you are!

The Leo archetype brings an energy that emphasises feeling proud of who you are, what you've achieved, and your pure potential.

Our radiant Sun rises each day to shine its light and invigorate the world; without it, everything withers and fades.

This life-giving force encourages us to tap into our unique life force and shine our light in the world.

Leo energy is enthusiastic, brave, courageous, and proud. 

With this energy, we can unlock our creativity and make space for others to reach their full potential by sharing generously and displaying Leo's affectionate nature.

Leo, like Cancer, shares a love of family and a fierce sense of loyalty.

As a Fire Sign, Leo embodies an underlying passion that offers protection and leadership, with the courage to stand up for cherished friends and family alike.

Respect is fundamental for Leo; validation from others reinforces their sense of pride, which can be easily hurt by a misplaced joke.

This season reminds us to be mindful of how we make people feel, building others self-esteem and self-worth is rewarding for all.

♈ Aries horoscope for Leo season 2024

With the Sun in a fellow Fire Sign, Aries, the world becomes your stage – so go ahead: shine! 

There’s a special energy in the air, sparking fun and creativity, making it the perfect time to dive into your hobbies and embrace your inner child.

In this year of reinvention, Leo season offers a welcome respite where you can enjoy the company of others and find yourself as the centre of attention.

Your fiery ruler, Mars, will team up with expansive Jupiter in mid-August, giving your words extra power.

Be mindful of your competitive, combative spirit, as their interaction with Saturn might lead to conversations that could upset others.

However, this energy also presents an opportunity to broadcast your important message to the world.

Now's the time for a bit of fun and indulgence – think 'wild child' rather than 'well-behaved grown-up'!

Next month, Virgo's energy will bring us back to organisation and sensibility, so it's only fitting to make time for some merry-making now!

♉ Taurus horoscope for Leo season 2024

This season, Taurus, home is where the heart is, bringing you joy and contentment.

While Leo is a sociable sign, there's no rule about where that socialising should happen.

You’re perfectly happy hosting others, making them comfortable and content in your space.

Invite those closest to you and share memories and time in your own "castle".

When Mercury goes Retrograde around 5 August, you might find yourself delving into family history to explore your lineage.

If this feels challenging, approach it with an open mind, recognising it as part of the rich tapestry of your life.

If entertaining leaves you feeling depleted, be sure to carve out time for some soulful downtime and reflection.

Without some privacy, you might feel an overwhelming need to escape, which can worry those around you.

Finances could see a boost when motivated Mars teams up with expansive Jupiter in your money house in mid-August – a perfect time to ask for that raise.

Virgo season will bring the focus back to hobbies and fun – all in good time.

♊ Gemini horoscope for Leo season 2024

So many words and so little time, Gemini.

As this season begins, you have the mic as the Sun and your ruler, Mercury, move into your House of communication.

But don't get too carried away – Mercury goes Retrograde in your sister sign, Virgo, on 5 August.

With Virgo's emphasis on precision, you'll need to be extra careful with your words and facts before sharing any communication.

While your thoughts might come rapidly, it's wise to hold off on launching any new ideas for a few months.

Half-baked plans might falter, but the inspiration behind them is valuable and worth preserving for now.

Mars meeting up with Jupiter in your Sign, while engaging in a tough conversation with Saturn, presents a challenge.

You might feel fired up to confront your boss or an authority figure, but acting impulsively could backfire.

Pause, take a breath, and think creatively to negotiate a successful outcome.

As Leo season winds down, you may feel a stronger pull towards spending time at home rather than at work.

Virgo season promises some peaceful home time ahead.

♋ Cancer horoscope for Leo season 2024

How resourceful are you, Cancer, and do you truly know your worth?

Leo season highlights your money and resource House, prompting you to consider if you're being fairly compensated for your efforts.

If not, how can you be resourceful and bring in some extra income?

Don't let this get you down, Cancer.

You’re known for your sensitivity, and often you’re the one who doesn’t see your true value.

This is an opportunity for you to recognise and appreciate all you have to offer.

If you still can't see how fabulous you are, beware of the tendency to overindulge in escapism when pushy Mars meets up with the expansive energy of Jupiter.

This could range from retail therapy to hiding away.

Your challenge this season is to assess your finances, review your sense of worth, and find ways to be more resourceful.

If you're struggling to find the right words now, don't worry – by the time Virgo season arrives towards the end of August, the clarity you need will be there.

♌ Leo horoscope for Leo season 2024

It’s your birthday season, Leo, and it's time to celebrate – you love knowing this song is all about you!

With a fabulous New Moon on 4 August, it's the perfect time to start planning.

What initiatives are on the horizon?

What dreams are bubbling under the surface?

Take time to really connect with what excites you as your next big goal.

However, there's a bit of caution as you dive into those dreams with Mercury starting its Retrograde in mid-August.

First, it will backtrack through your money House, making it a risky time for financial recklessness.

Then, it’ll move into your Sign, potentially sapping your energy and normally quick wit.

Use this period to review, refresh, and rework your plans.

Mars and Jupiter will meet in your friendship House, with Saturn joining the conversation, which might bring up tensions about who owes what to who.

Are you always the generous friend?

This conversation might come to a head in mid-August.

Stay calm and avoid any dramatic reactions.

When the Sun moves into Virgo, your finances should feel steadier.

♍ Virgo horoscope for Leo season 2024

While everyone else may be in the mood to party during Leo season, you, Virgo, might feel more like hibernating.

Grab a book, take some time off, and allow yourself to retreat for some rest and relaxation.

This is a sensitive and spiritual period for you, with revealing dreams and intuitive insights flooding your senses.

Nurture your instincts and trust the process.

When Mercury Retrogrades back into Leo, you feel the need to release old patterns of behaviour and let go of some outdated relationships.

If there is any action in your life, you might see a boost in your career when competitive Mars meets the expansive energy of Jupiter.

If a promotion is on the horizon, it could bring conflict with your close relationships.

Maintaining a work-life balance can be challenging for a giving sign like you, Virgo, so be cautious about over-committing in either area.

Your time is coming next season when starting new projects and being sociable will feel much easier.

♎ Libra horoscope for Leo season 2024

Friendships might feel like a rollercoaster ride this month, Libra.

One minute you're the life of the party, but as Mercury Retrogrades later in the month, you start rethinking those friendships.

Your year has been shaped by the Aries/Libra eclipse axis, highlighting the dynamics between you and your close relationships.

As you decide who stays and who goes, even other friendships and alliances will come under scrutiny.

Feeling the urge to escape from it all then travel might be a good option.

However, make sure to check the details thoroughly.

Mars and Jupiter are encouraging you to explore, but Saturn is urging you to ensure all paperwork is in order.

If your health has been a concern recently, establishing a sensible sleep pattern and maintaining a nutritious diet will be beneficial – Saturn rewards discipline in this area!

♏ Scorpio horoscope for Leo season 2024

With home and work dynamics in play this season, there’s a balancing act needed.

You feel the pull to be in leadership position, with your confidence in the workplace soaring — you're rising to the top like a boss now, Scorpio. 

During Leo season, your reputation gets a boost, and working toward your goals comes effortlessly.

Step into that leadership role – others will naturally respond to your authority, allowing you to direct projects like a pro.

Fiery Mars and expansive Jupiter are currently dancing around your House of investments and joint finances.

While risk-taking might sound appealing, caution is key with Saturn in the mix.

If you've checked all the fine print, you could build something substantial for the future

However, if it seems too grandiose, trust your intuition and walk away.

With home and work dynamics in play this season, you'll need to balance both.

You'll certainly feel the pull to be a leader in all areas of your life this season.

♐ Sagittarius horoscope for Leo season 2024

Your thirst for knowledge and adventure intensifies during Leo season, Sagittarius.

If you haven't planned a trip yet, now is the time to contact a travel agency.

Exploring new cultures will be incredibly fulfilling – knowledge, wisdom, and experience are all on your radar.

As Mercury goes Retrograde in mid-August, even if you are away on a break, you may need to revisit your work commitments to ensure everything is in order.

Partnerships, whether romantic or business-related, will also come under scrutiny when Mars aligns with Jupiter in your relationship House.

This powerful boost of energy might tempt you to act quickly, but Saturn’s restrictive influence will introduce a stop-start dynamic, prompting you to approach decisions with greater caution.

The positive expression of this energy could see you reaching a greater commitment with a loved one.

When Virgo moves into your career House at the end of August, you'll finally have the perfect energy to pursue that promotion.

♑ Capricorn horoscope for Leo season 2024

There’s more clarity around joint finances and long-term investments now, Capricorn.

Known for preferring financial security over risk-taking, this is a great time to get your stocks and bonds in order.

While deep psychological work may not be your usual focus, this area of your life is under the spotlight right now.

If you're considering therapy or uncovering hidden truths, embrace the unfamiliar depth of this season.  Just go with the flow for now!

Mars and Jupiter will align in your health House, encouraging you to enjoy more competitive sports.

However, with Saturn pushing for high achievement, be careful of accidents which knock you out of the race altogether.

If this season feels heavy, don't worry – Virgo season will soon arrive, offering you the chance for an enjoyable getaway.

♒ Aquarius horoscope for Leo season 2024

If you're in a relationship, this month is fantastic for you and your partner, Aquarius.

Leo season loves public displays of affection, and you’re feeling proud of your significant connections.

When Mercury goes Retrograde in August, it's an excellent time to review your daily routines and check the sell-by dates on your vitamins.

Refresh your health routine and update your rituals to boost your vitality.

Mars and Jupiter align in your House of creativity, providing a burst of energy to start making your mark in the world.

With Saturn joining their conversation, you’ll be challenged to create something that stands the test of time.

Allow for some deep contemplation of your dreams and goals to ensure that your contributions are a true reflection of your heart and soul.

With Pluto beginning its long journey through your Sign, you’re already feeling the winds of change.

Leo season ignites your creative passions, illuminating the path to your future.

♓ Pisces horoscope for Leo season 2024

If you enjoyed yourself during Cancer season, Pisces, you might find yourself wanting to scale things back this month and refresh your daily routines.

The process is simpler than you might think, and you'll quickly spot areas for improvement.

As you become more organised and efficient – an unusual but positive shift for Pisces, which may stir up some discontent at home.

That’s feisty Mars meeting up with Jupiter’s amplifying energy in your House of family and home.

While cleaning and organising can be satisfying, Saturn’s restrictive influence might make you seem overly strict.

And, if your loved ones aren't accustomed to this newfound structure, taking the time to explain your intentions will help.

Saturn continues its journey through your Sign, giving you the self-discipline needed to set and maintain boundaries.

Remember, keeping things tidy doesn’t have to be your sole responsibility, just ask for help around the house.

Virgo season will bring a smoother, more collaborative energy for any negotiations or team efforts.

This forecast gives you a general flavour of what Leo season could bring, but a personal consultation gets specific.

Curious how Leo’ energy impacts you?

Book your personalised Astrology consultation today to see how you can show up for Leo season 2024!


Virgo Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast


Cancer Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast