Cancer Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast

“There’s no place like Home”

Cardinal | Water | Ruled by The Moon

Keywords: Nurture, Care, Mothering, Empathy, Sensitivity, Protective, Loyal, Kind, History-Keeper, Home, Can be overly emotional and attached

From a fast-paced Air Sign, we’re floating gently into the nurturing Water Sign of Cancer.

At its sensitive heart, Cancer is protective, caring, sympathetic and kind – sometimes prone to being clingy, but we’ll forgive them for being just so loving.

With a focus on home and family, Cancer season is the time to make your space feel welcoming for friends and family alike.

Does your home reflect your true nature?

Do you have a safe space to nurture yourself, too?

Have a revamp of your home now, so you can enjoy the company of those you love while you think back to memories of where you’ve all come from.

How to read your 2024 Cancer season horoscope

As you review your own Horoscope for this season, remember to focus on your Rising Sign first, then the Sun for a day chart and the Moon for a night chart.

But all three are relevant and can be blended together to offer more meaningful interpretations of the upcoming energies in your life.

When does Cancer season start?

Cancer season officially starts on June 20th, 2024 at 9:51 pm (BST).

Get ready to embrace those cosy vibes!

When does Cancer season end?

Mark your calendars, because Cancer season comes to a close on July 22nd, 2024 at 8:44 am (BST).

After that, get ready to fire up your creativity because Leo season takes the stage!

What energy does Cancer season bring for you?

We’re trading the breezy, social whirl of Gemini for a deep dive into the emotional waters of Cancer.

Ruled by the Moon, the planet of intuition and nurturing, Cancer season is all about creating a safe haven, fostering connections that run deep, and cherishing those we love.

This is the kind of energy Cancer brings – a focus on home, security, and the past that shapes who we are.

Get ready to tap into your emotional wellspring, embrace your sensitivity (it's a strength!), and create a space that feels truly nourishing for your soul.

There's more to explore, of course, so stay and read on for your personalised Cancer season horoscope for 2024!

♈ Aries horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Creating the safe haven will help with any low energy levels this month, Aries.

You’re used to going at 100 miles an hour but this is time for reflection after a busy few months.

Add some softer touches to your living space, like fresh flowers, fluffy blankets and glorious fragrances around the house.

Time out to create some fabulous meals, read a book you can get lost in or revive that creative hobby – choose quiet nights in over loud, boisterous parties.

Home is your sanctuary for nurturing yourself and others now.

If this sounds too frustratingly slow, don’t worry – fiery Leo season is round the corner, and you’ll be back on the social scene soon enough!

♉ Taurus horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Shorter trips and closer friendships soothe and nurture your soul in Cancer season, Taurus.

There’s fun to be had in your own neighbourhood.

Nothing social to go to, then plan an impromptu get together yourself.

You instinctively know how to create a warm and cosy space where others feel safe so share that love.

You’ll love cooking up a traybake, swapping stories and sharing blankets with your pals – siblings too, if you have them

If you’re still waiting to start writing your journal or need to put something on paper to get your thoughts out there, this is a great time to tap into your thoughts.

♊ Gemini horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Now that optimistic and adventurous Jupiter has moved into your Sign for the next year, what a whirlwind time this is for you, Gemini.

With this ‘Go Big or Go Home’ energy, your talents and charisma are on a high and Cancer season highlights your money-making.

It’s not just about bringing in the cash though, it's about building and nurturing your value in every sense of the word.

Income, environment and what matters to you.

With Neptune and Saturn currently finishing their journey through your area of work and social status, it’s time to find a mentor or spiritual guru to support money-making that speaks to your soul too.

♋ Cancer horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Nurturing yourself during your season, Cancer, that’s your ‘mission impossible’ – it’s always much easier for you to care for others.

The Cancer New Moon on 5 July is a great time to put a shiny new self-care practice in place – a special spa day, just for you.

With Neptune turning retrograde on 2 July in your 9th House of spirituality, travel and higher learning, dreams of exploration in one way or another are at the forefront.

Time to go back to school – pursue a subject that really allows you to expand your sense of belonging and beliefs.

As the keeper of our history, this season could see you reconnecting with like-minded friends around the world.

♌ Leo horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Feeling sleepy, Leo?

Cancer season is truly a retreat time for you – a nurturing weekend spa break beckons.

Taking time away from the spotlight is not an easy ask for drama-loving Leo but you’re called to quieten your roar this season.

Chill out, meditate and allow your innate creativity to be how you shine.

With Saturn still travelling through your shared money House, it’s a good time to clear up any joint finances.

And, as Mars activates your work and reputation area, you might be ready to take on the world which could add to your funds too.

Just wait until after 22 July when the Sun starts her journey through your Sign, that’s your shiny space.

♍ Virgo horoscope for Cancer season 2024

As our Earth Angels, Virgo, you’re ready to get out with your friendship groups and into the community, nurturing and caring as only you know how.

The luck of Jupiter is fabulously highlighting your career and social standing so all that socialising might make someone important notice you.

Always the volunteer, you might see your efforts rewarded with a job offer as you seem to be in the right place and the right time to meet those in power.

A small word of caution, Neptune will retrograde through your relationship area this season, remind yourself to say “No” before you take on too much for others.

♎ Libra horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Your reputation is at a high point this season, Libra, and you’re looking great!

With the Sun and your Ruler, Venus, both in Cancer, you take centre-stage like a boss.

Literally, like a boss, because this all happens in your work area – you’ve got this!

If the eclipses instigated anything earlier this year, Libra, then it might become really obvious what that is now.

Keep going, this is going to play out in your favour.

This season, you’ll be seen for your hard work, the achievements you’ve made and the ways you’ve nurtured others.

Staying on target with the finer details of your planning is made a little trickier as Neptune goes retrograde but you can do this.

♏ Scorpio horoscope for Cancer season 2024

How can you mix the ideas of travel and home, Scorpio?

Swap homes with a good friend from overseas, it’ll give you both the break you need without the pressure of ‘being on holiday’.

Alternatively, sign yourself up for an immersive, nurturing, residential course to expand your mind whilst enjoying some creature comforts.

Cancer is a fellow Water Sign, flowing and receptive, it's time to go with the flow and, as always, follow your intuition.

Dreams and psychic experiences might be heightened with Neptune in a creative area of your chart, pay attention to all and any messages coming in now.

♐ Sagittarius horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Cancer season sees a focus on nurturing your investment opportunities and doing some wealth management, Sagittarius.

It’s a good time to put together a plan to save interest on your mortgage, loans, or debt, too.

If you need a financial backer for a project, this is a great time to pitch that new idea.

With Neptune going retrograde in your home and family area, the focus turns to commitments and boundaries as Saturn also checks in with your sense of duties.

It might feel somewhat emotionally draining for such a fun-loving Sign, but it’s a lovely opportunity to embrace a spiritual connection to your lineage and roots.

♑ Capricorn horoscope for Cancer season 2024

With Cancer being your opposite Sign, Capricorn, the focus is on significant others in your life.

Nurture those special relationships that you always love to provide for in such practical ways.

There’s a passionate fire burning with Mars in your area of pleasure and fun.

Take time out to spend with those you love, let them give back to you, too, so you both enjoy the pleasure of giving.

What you share with Cancer is a love of history, honour your ancestry this season by looking back at your family tree.

Routines are always a priority; the upcoming Full Moons in your Sign (22 June and 21 July) offer new opportunities to explore new rituals that feel more aligned – Jupiter in this area of your chart is happy to help, too.

♒ Aquarius horoscope for Cancer season 2024

Streamlining your daily life is your mission should you wish to accept it, Aquarius.

Cancer season lights up the sensibility area of your chart – budgeting, scheduling, and wellbeing take priority.

Less of the worldly view than you prefer, but ultimately necessary so you can get back to the bigger picture without worrying.

Think of it as using your innovative revolutionary tactics in your day-to-day world.

If your resources feel depleted then cut back on your usual generosity.

Jupiter’s luck is now focussed on your area of fun, pleasure, and children so being playful and creative will ease any stresses.

Mars is your home area and the current focus on routines in Cancer season calls for organising your house and creating some nurturing space.

♓ Pisces horoscope for Cancer season 2024

As we journey through a fellow Water Sign, we look at what you can create, Pisces.

You may have more discipline than usual with Saturn still offering structure in your own Sign.

Your dreams became a reality, you’re manifesting the tangible.

Dreaming is key with Neptune also in your Sign.

As he goes retrograde, your imagination might go into a tailspin so keep your cool and write things down to make sense of it all.

Cancer season might surprise you!

With Jupiter in your home zone, family connections and social interactions could take centre stage.

Embrace the warmth and get ready for some heart-to-heart conversations.

This forecast gives you a general flavour of what Cancer season could bring, but a personal consultation gets specific.

Curious how Cancer's energy impacts you?

Book your personalised Astrology consultation today to navigate the emotional tides with ease!


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