Virgo Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast

“You say I’m a control freak like it’s a bad thing.”

Mutable | Earth | Ruled by Mercury

Keywords: Organised, in service to others, hard-working, humble, practical, observant, self effacing, kind, sympathetic, meticulous, diligent, analytical, self critical, perfectionist

After Leo’s vibrant energy, Virgo season invites us to slow our pace, get organised and take control. 

Daily life can be defined with random acts of kindness and establishing healthy routines.

It's the perfect time to assess what needs sorting out and which areas of your life could use a little decluttering.

Letting go of what no longer serves you can be incredibly refreshing and cathartic.

Take a look at your daily habits and structures – your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual: are they working effectively?

What might you need to carry you through for the rest of 2024 and where can you make adjustments?

Are you the most organised, tidy person you know, or do you lean towards messiness?

Can you let go of self-criticism and allow yourself to find your own flow without feeling guilty?

Now's the time to make lists, explore how you can serve others, and find consistency where things might feel a bit chaotic.

As we reach the halfway point in the Astrological year, we’ll also take this month to review the forecasts from April.

This reflection will help you see how well you’re aligning with the energy and what’s in store for the rest of 2024.

Plus, it’s worth checking back on your 2024 horoscope to see how your year has aligned with the energies so far.

How to read your 2024 Virgo season horoscope

When checking your Horoscope for this season, start by focusing on your Rising Sign first. If you have a day chart, look to the Sun, and if you have a night chart, turn your attention to the Moon.

Each of these aspects plays an important role, and by considering all three together, you'll gain deeper insights into the energies coming your way.

When does Virgo season start?

Virgo season officially starts on August 21st, 2024 at 3.55pm (BST).

Grab some new pens, a fantastic notebook, and get ready to organise your life while lending a hand to your neighbours!

When does Virgo season end?

Mark your calendars, because Virgo season comes to a close on September 22nd, 2024 at 1.34 pm (BST).

After that, prepare to shift your focus to relationships, art, and beauty.

Libra season is all about how we love, what we find aesthetically pleasing and how we interact with those around us!

What energy does Virgo season bring for you?

We've swapped the lively, social Leo energy to the careful and precise influence of Virgo.

Details and planning take centre-stage.

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and analysis, Virgo season is all about getting life in order to function at maximum efficiency.

The Virgo archetype brings a focused, discerning energy that values humility and helping others as much as possible.

The motivation now is to make improvements wherever possible. 

Mercury, a swift-moving planet, plays the role of messenger, aiding communication and ensuring information flows smoothly.

Virgo energy is subtle yet powerful – kind, loyal, dependable, and characterised by a strong work ethic.

With this diligent, grounded influence, we can fine-tune our daily routines, refine our future plans, and prioritise our health. Virgo has a particular fondness for vitamins!

Like other Earth signs, Virgo values stability and security.

This Sign embodies a deep-seated need to work hard for others, often thriving in service roles where they help create order in society.

This season serves as a gentle reminder that love and compassion are essential, not optional.

Without them, humanity cannot thrive.

♈ Aries horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Have you been focusing on your inner psyche and significant relationships, Aries?

And did April bring any unexpected windfalls?

Your reinvention might be well underway, and during Virgo season, you can truly focus on those redefined goals.

Now’s the time to take charge by organising your workspace, clearing out clutter, planning your schedule, and creating spreadsheets as needed.

You instinctively know that your body needs nourishment and now you’re supported by a healthy mindset and strong routines. So dust off those vitamins and pay attention to what you’re fueling that energised body with.

Work might be keeping you busy, so make sure your routines include some daily physical activity – it’s a fantastic stress reliever for you, Aries.

As we move into Libra season in September, your relationships will once again take centre-stage.

♉ Taurus horoscope for Virgo season 2024

You've had a lot happening in your Sign this year, Taurus.

Have you gained some clarity about how you present yourself to the world and where you might want to make changes?

The whirlwind you’ve been experiencing may slow down a bit as Uranus goes Retrograde in your Sign from September until January, though we’ll encourage you to stay adventurous and be open to new experiences.

If you’ve enjoyed a promotion or recognition in your career, this month offers a chance to relax and have some fun.

With Jupiter and Mars in your money house, it’s a great time to capitalise on your recent progress at work.

Your fellow Earth Sign, Virgo, highlights a lighter, more playful area of your life, and there’s even a possibility of romance.

If you’ve struggled to find the right words for flirting, things will start to flow more easily once Mercury moves out of Retrograde on September 28.

As Libra season approaches, it might be time to revisit your health and daily routines.

♊ Gemini horoscope for Virgo season 2024

We promised you a busy time from May, Gemini, with Jupiter in your Sign.

Are you feeling the buzz, or is it wearing you out? 

You’ve probably been sifting through important conversations that needed to happen.

Although you’re an adaptable Sign you are, this year’s on/off energy has definitely kept you on your toes.

As we move into Virgo season, you’ll find some much-needed peace with someone special at home.

For now, home is where your heart belongs, so turn it into your sanctuary – a calm retreat away from the hustle and bustle.

We know you love to socialise, but even a social butterfly needs some downtime.

Reconnect with what grounds you, whether it’s your family or the people you consider family – gather them close.

Libra season will soon bring out your creativity and add some light-hearted fun, but for now, take a breather and relax at home.

♋ Cancer horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Have you figured out which friendships matter most to you, Cancer?

If so, you might be feeling a bit drained and in need of some quiet time.

Contrasting energies really shaped the start of this year.

You may still be weighing the value of certain friendships and the groups you’re part of, so now’s the perfect time to consider their pros and cons.

Are you getting as much as you’re giving?

It’s important to negotiate and compromise, but don’t do it at the expense of your own time and well-being.

If journaling your feelings isn’t something you’re used to, now is a great time to start.

Your thoughts are probably coming in quickly, and this could be a great way to sort through them, saving you hours of heartache – or in your case, Cancer, maybe even a tummy ache!

When Libra season arrives, you’ll feel the pull back to your homestead, ready to embrace those who truly belong in your circle.

♌ Leo horoscope for Virgo season 2024

How was your birthday season, Leo?

Did you soak up all the attention you were hoping for?

If 2024 started with some deep soul-searching, let that process continue – remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Whether you’re the bold, stand-out Leo archetype or prefer to shine with more subtlety, now’s your time to take the lead.

With your finances in the spotlight this season, it’s the perfect moment to ask for that raise – you’ve definitely earned it.

The Jupiter/Mars energy in your friendship zone might spark some fiery connections, but we know you thrive on that!

Just be mindful of your energy as Pluto moves back into Capricorn, affecting your health sector – stick to those rituals and routines you’ve been working on that keep you at your best.

As the Sun moves into Libra, your social side will enjoy a journey that brings you closer to home.

♍ Virgo horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Have you figured out where or what you want to explore this year, Virgo?

There are plenty of opportunities out there just waiting for your dedicated approach to learning.

For now, it’s your season and your time to shine, Virgo!

Got any new projects in mind, or maybe even a fresh new look?

Break it all down into manageable steps, make your lists, and trust the process.

Keep expanding your mind and broadening your horizons.

If you've been making strides at work, keep that momentum going - your finances will just keep improving.

If relationships have been a bit challenging, hang in there; you’re just setting some important boundaries.

As a Sign dedicated to helping others, you can sometimes get taken advantage of, so learning to look out for yourself is a lifelong lesson.

The September eclipse will also shed light on your relationships, helping you see them more clearly.

♎ Libra horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Have you found your voice this year, Libra?

If so, you’re probably feeling more ‘seen’ and, hopefully, more appreciated than ever!

Now, as you take a step back and tie up loose ends before your season arrives next month, you might feel the need to retreat and recharge.

This is the perfect time to explore some of life’s deeper questions.

Finding purpose and meaning will take you on a rich, multi-layered journey that requires focus and effort right now.

But it’s a journey worth taking as you reflect on your role in the grand scheme of things.

Keep speaking your truth, be honest about any past hurts, and don’t be afraid to express your feelings - allow space for anger too, if it’s needed.

While you might naturally define yourself through your relationships, remember not to lose sight of your unique place in the bigger picture.

As we approach the end of the year, there’s a theme of soul-searching, so it’s worth pondering these concepts now.

When Libra season finally arrives, you’ll be ready to unwind and enjoy some well-deserved celebration time!

♏ Scorpio horoscope for Virgo season 2024

The first half of 2024 has been all about doors opening and closing for you, Scorpio.

Some relationships may have faded, while new connections have blossomed.

Have you found the self-discipline to walk away when needed?

Calming meditation might have been a great support in helping you release what no longer serves you – letting go isn’t easy for a Fixed Sign like you.

Prioritising self-care can soothe the emotional aches, as this year is ultimately about healing for you – mind, body, and soul.

This season brings even more opportunities for new friendships or joining groups that align with your beliefs and values.

You might even reconnect with an old friend, discovering that you now share more than just memories.

Being unafraid of exploring your inner depths, this is a perfect time to dive into your own psyche and uncover what’s hidden beneath the surface.

If you hit a rough patch, therapy or counselling could be especially helpful.

As Libra season arrives, you’ll have the chance to step back and enjoy some much-needed alone time, away from the spotlight – just the way you like it!

♐ Sagittarius horoscope for Virgo season 2024

You’ve been on fire this year, Sagittarius – have you felt it?

Your creativity has been unstoppable, and it all comes to a head this season.

Promotion and recognition are on the horizon for you, with the Sun in Virgo lighting up the work and status area in your chart.

It’s all about stepping into leadership now, Sagittarius.

Collaborations and partnerships are getting a boost from your ruler, Jupiter, and the fiery energy of Mars, making teamwork a winning strategy for achieving your goals.

Your far-reaching, visionary dreams have the power to inspire those around you.

This year continues to be fantastic for love, romance, and all-around fun, thanks to your boundless creativity.

However, if your health has been a bit up and down, make sure you’re fueling your body with the best veggies and nutrients.

As we move into Libra season, the spotlight will shift to friendships, groups, and communities, giving your collaborations even more room to grow.

♑ Capricorn horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Your self-confidence has been steadily building in 2024, Capricorn, and we know you set the bar high for yourself.

If your love life hasn’t quite caught up yet, be patient – it’s on its way.

As one of the most determined and entrepreneurial signs, you’re able to see the bigger picture this season.

How does your current venture align with everything you want to achieve in life?

A last-minute holiday might be just what you need to relax those sensible shoulders.

If a getaway isn’t in the cards, why not attend an inspiring workshop instead?

Sometimes, it’s okay to kick back and have fun just for the sake of it – you’ve earned it.

If you’ve been putting in the work toward new goals, now’s a great time to focus on your daily health routines.

Don’t neglect your well-being.

If you’re already on top of this, keep the momentum going – it’ll pay off in the long run.

As Libra season approaches, the spotlight will shift to where you thrive: your work, career, and reputation.

Any studies or learning you do now will only help you climb higher.

♒ Aquarius horoscope for Virgo season 2024

Still feeling like the ground is shifting beneath you, Aquarius?

Even though we’ve entered your “Age,” the transformation of your identity will be a gradual process.

If things feel a bit off, lean into the uncertainty of it all – this is your time.

As we move into Virgo season, it’s a good time to check on your investments and joint finances.

Make sure you’re not paying more interest than necessary and that all the details are squared away.

This season also invites you to take a deeper dive into self-discovery, pulling you out of your usual lofty ideas and guiding you inward.

If you’ve been mindful of your pennies recently, Virgo season offers a chance to relax and indulge in creativity and romance.

You might find your usual sensible approach feeling more playful, as your natural rebellious spirit simply enjoys the fun.

Libra season will open the door to higher learning, allowing you to explore the concepts you love – life, the universe, and everything in between.

♓ Pisces horoscope for Virgo season 2024

How has it felt being out in the spotlight this year, Pisces?

Does it still feel a bit unnatural, or are you starting to settle into it?

With Saturn continuing its journey through your Sign, you’re still being encouraged to develop the self-discipline needed to set and maintain boundaries.

Focusing on what’s close to home and letting your intuition guide you – though not entirely – can be really helpful right now.

With the Sun now in your opposite Sign, relationships take centre-stage, highlighting the Me/You dynamic.

Those boundaries you’re working on?

This is where they’re most important.

Your home life may have felt a bit shaken up with the fiery energy of Mars and your ruler, Jupiter, stirring things up.

But as the dust settles, you’ll find yourself in a better place, making way for some peace of mind.

Virgo season emphasises collaborations and relationships, making commitments and partnerships more serious.

If everything’s in order, it’s a good time to sign those contracts.

Just remember to think with your head, not just your heart – Neptune’s influence might make things seem rosier than they are.

The September eclipse in Pisces could bring a significant relationship into the spotlight – is it time to go public?

As Libra season rolls around, it’ll be a good idea to protect the progress you’ve made this year and avoid slipping back into old patterns.

This forecast gives you a general flavour of what Virgo season could bring, but a personal consultation can get much more specific.

Curious how Virgo's energy impacts you?

Book your personalised Astrology Consultation today to see how you can best tap into this organised energy!


Libra Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast


Leo Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast