Your 2024 Horoscope by Zodiac: Major Transits, Aspects & Key Astrological Dates

Do you ever read your horoscope in a magazine and think, that’s just not me?

Well, here’s a little Astro insight…

When Astrologers write horoscopes for magazines, they're writing mainly for Rising Signs rather than Sun Signs!

After all this time, you just thought it meant nothing to you because Astrologers were making it up!

I’ll be honest, I thought that, too, until my studies taught me differently.

For the Astro-interested among you, to ancient Astronomers who were also the Astrologers of their time, the Ascendant (your Rising Sign) was known as the horo-scopos or ‘watcher of the hour’.

This ‘watcher’ changes approximately every 2 hours during the day and it is the most significant part of your birth chart.

It’s more relevant as an indicator of how you do what you do.

For me, your Rising Sign is like your operating system — very different from your Sun Sign.

As an example, I’m a Pisces Sun — often known as the ‘silent’ Sign.

But, to anyone who knows me, my Gemini Rising tells you everything you need to know about my chatty nature and use of words.

Added to this, if you were born before sunrise then your Moon Sign will be more significant than your Sun Sign.

Your Rising Sign also tells us which Planet rules your Birth Chart — do you have all-action Mars setting the tone, relationship-focussed Venus or, like me, chatty Mercury always needing more information?

See how important your Rising Sign just became!

So, now you know, what can we do about that?

Knowing your Rising Sign and looking at the horoscope for both that and your Sun Sign might just help you to get more of an overview when you read what’s in store for you in 2024.

These days, I often stick to reading about my Rising Sign and it’s made so much difference but feel free to read both your Sun and Rising Sign here!

If you don’t know your Rising Sign, get in touch and we’ll let you know.

For a more detailed and personalised Astrology Reading, looking at what’s in store for you in 2024, check out our latest offer:

Now let’s dive into your 2024 horoscopes by Sign — hold onto your hats, 2024 might be a defining one in many of our lives!

Aries 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Signs 

For the last few years, you might have felt as though you were being asked to make some big changes, thanks to Pluto squaring your Sign.

Although this was a lengthy 15 year journey, it’s safe to say that you’re not the same person these days.

As that heavyweight planet moves into Aquarius life shifts focus for you and it stays here for about 20 years!

The first half of the year will be about your self-expression and there will be some deeper work on your inner psyche with Saturn and Neptune together in your 12th House of retreat, recuperation and spirituality.

Jupiter, the lucky Planet, and Uranus, associated with unpredictability, join forces for an intriguing celestial rendezvous in April, specifically in your 2nd House of income – how fabulous!

There's potential for a surprising, fresh source of income so look out for that new opportunity. 

Your sense of resourcefulness is heightened, and financially, things may start to move in a positive direction.

With the Eclipses and the second half of the year, the focus shifts to relationships and you could see the start of a meaningful connection or the clearing out of personalities who aren’t destined to be on your journey now.

Taurus 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

Let’s just say 2024 is a big year for Taurus!

Jupiter, the happy expansion Planet is currently in your Sign until May.

If you’ve been feeling it, then carry on making the most of this energy — it doesn’t visit your Sign again for another 12 years.

The 20th April Jupiter/Uranus conjunction happens in your Sign — look out for the unexpected breakthroughs that come with a positive spin.

I’m excited for you, Taurus — let me know how it goes!

That’s not to say that this year isn’t without its challenges, as Pluto, the Planet of evolution and change, begins to square your Sign, those with early Taurus degree placements may feel a need to step into their public power.

Who are you to the outside world and where do you need to show up now?

Your health is another area of focus and we’re talking physical, emotional and mental health — this is all-encompassing.

You may need to make some changes in this area if you’re going to handle the potential within your career — a little more discipline around your daily routines is called for here.

When Jupiter moves into Gemini, those career changes may see more of the cash that follows a step up the ladder — promotion beckons with a pay increase for those who can push on through.

Gemini 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

The year will start off well enough and it’s going to be quite an Airy year which should please you greatly, Gemini!

However, your real luck starts from May when Jupiter moves into your Sign for a year.

From the middle of the year, you may feel more empowered than you have in quite some time — no more going with the flow, you’ll be so much more decisive than usual.

Pluto into Aquarius offers you so much more than Capricorn has for the last few years; all that Earth is not an easy placement for you, you’d rather be in your head.

Aquarius is a sister Air Sign so once Pluto begins to settle here, there’s an easier conversation about finding your authentic voice and using your words in your own way.

Relationships will be tested, Gemini, as we all examine them closely with the Eclipses.

While you’ll be meeting new people, you may move away from others, even having some disagreements which help you sort the wheat from the chaff.

Take time this year to have some fun and spend time on your hobbies.

Love — oh, love — if you’re looking then the second half of 2024 is right there with you especially after the eclipse in October.

Your sociable heart is ready to share your stories with a special someone.

Cancer 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

Do you have itchy feet, Cancer?

You may need a change — a house move or a career move.

Perhaps one changes to satisfy the other.

The first eclipse in March certainly speaks to your career development and heralds that time of change.

With happy Jupiter in your area of friendships, being sociable will be so beneficial and enjoyable — it’s a great time to meet new people.

If you’re stuck in a rut and have found yourself staying home a lot recently, then this is a great time to find your tribe.

Jupiter and Uranus coming together in April will really emphasise your community focus for friendships, networking, and getting yourself out and about with other people.

Cancerians can find it hard to get out and mingle — home is usually where your heart is — but embrace this challenge, it’ll be fun.

Once you’ve had a chance to meet some new pals, it’s time to collaborate on your vision with those you trust.

Review what’s important to you and make things happen in 2024.

After May, when Jupiter moves into Gemini, all that socialising might make you want to hide away and that’s fine.

Take time for yourself, a mini retreat would be perfect for a week or two in the summer.

Leo 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

This is a year of unchartered territory for you, Leo.

Exploring power is a theme that runs through 2024 for you and, as the lion of the Zodiac, you may find yourself needing to be tamed at times.

In order to understand empowerment, we sometimes need to feel disempowered and that might be on the cards, Leo.

You’ll be fine.

Trust the process.

There is a huge growth edge for you now with Pluto moving into Aquarius opposing your Sign.

Vulnerability isn’t weakness; in relationships it can help us to uncover what matters most.

Go big in your career around the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on 20 April, there’s lots of doors opening up for you.

And you can spend the second half of 2024, doing what you love, being seen socially.

In the autumn, why not start a new course, learn a new skill — your mind will need to be occupied this year and you may feel an urge to travel to broaden your worldview.

Virgo 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

You’re going to get real about your relationships this year, Virgo — it’s time to take off any rose-coloured glasses and make sure you’re saying “No” when it counts.

But, your biggest focus for 2024 will be in higher learning and exploration — not just reading about exotic places but visiting them too.

If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, 2024 is ready and waiting for that manuscript!

There’s a shift coming in your finances with potential new ways of earning or investing.

The eclipses are putting the spotlight on money — yours and other people’s.

Need to re-mortgage or want investors for a new project — what starts in the spring could come to fruition later in the year.

With this focus on money, there’s a chance for growth in your career but it’s asking you for some discipline as you face what’s being asked of you.

Beware of burnout, though — use your innate sense of self-discipline to look after your health.

The second half of 2024 could see an exciting and surprising change of direction in your sense of purpose or vocation.

Libra 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

You are owning the Eclipses this year, Libra, and as the relationship Sign, there’s change ahead for you.

As the Sign that craves harmony at all costs, there’s a tendency to give more than you get which sometimes leaves you feeling under-appreciated.

2024 finally says “enough is enough” as you take centre-stage to speak up and learn to be honest about what you need.

If a relationship isn’t working then in April you’re being asked to do something that Librans find unthinkable… detach to allow both of you to thrive.

Trust me, you’ll feel so much more empowered.

In the process of this cathartic releasing of your usually placid side, your health may feel under pressure — not another cold!

Watch your immunity and get to bed early to preserve your energy.

With your eye for the aesthetic, you might be motivated to make some home improvements - go ahead and make that space reflect who you truly are.

Looking for love; the universe is listening with Pluto in your 5th House of fun and romance.

Public displays of affection incoming!

Scorpio 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

One moment you’re meeting someone new then you’re closing the door on a relationship that’s run its course.

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is working its way through your 7th House of relationships which brings some unpredictability in its wake.

There’s a serious tone to your creativity and sense of fun too, Scorpio.

Saturn, the planet of discipline and purpose, is asking you to check what it is you really enjoy about your creative projects or why something feels like fun — what is it that lights your spark?

Your work this year is focussed on self-discipline.

It’s not easy and it’s not glamourous, but it will stand you in good stead.

Establishing some good daily routines and rituals would be healing for your body.

Meditation could help you to connect your mind and body, and process past hurts from relationships.

If you’ve been a bit strapped for cash then things should improve after May; perhaps that loan comes through or shared finances get a boost.

Sagittarius 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

How fabulous to have a Solar Eclipse in the true love area of your chart in the Spring, Sagittarius.

There’s a sense of a new creation — do you have a project in mind or is there something else being ‘birthed’ here?

The depth of your creativity has a karmic and healing quality — something new is being kicked into gear this year for you.

With your routines set, your health is looking good and you’re doing what you love day by day.

Make sure you enjoy the process, you created this, so own it!

Whatever happens in relationships this year, happens with a bang.

What’s going great keeps going great, but if it’s not right then light blue touchpaper and retire, it could get volatile!

And if you need to approach your boss about a pay increase, be bold and have that chat.

If you’ve been thinking about a house move then you might get some clarity about whether it’s actually worth it now.

Capricorn 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

Pluto is on its final step out of your Sign now, Capricorn — thank the heavens, eh?!

You can begin to work on your confidence, what it means to be your lovely Capricorn self and where your stability comes from in terms of your finances and material security.

You’re ready and open for improvements in your love life this year, Capricorn and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April could signal the start of something new, unexpected and exciting.

Are you moving in together, feeling loved-up or wanting to get nesting?

Changes in your home are highlighted during the Solar Eclipse in March and the eclipses are opening your eyes to your home/life balance.

After a short period of time struggling with your health, May brings a vitality lift.

Then you’ll be ready for a potential business launch in the autumn — exciting!

Aquarius 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

It’s official: we’re now entering the Age of Aquarius!

Pluto’s making its final dance through Capricorn — come on, already — and by the end of the year, he’ll be in your Sign for about 20 years.

The only thing we can guarantee is change and evolution.

This transit is a big deal for us all but especially for you, Aquarius.

The phrase ‘phoenix from the ashes’ must have been invented for this Transit.

It’s going to be a big 180 for you, not overnight but you’ll feel it happening bit by bit.

Shedding the old to embrace the new — how exciting!

Looking for your dream home, get it done before May with luck and unexpected in the property area of your Chart.

After that, the luck moves into your house of fun — get thee to the park and play on the swings or, at the very least, enjoy yourself doing what you love!

It’s a great year for you, Aquarius and even the Eclipses see you learning more, exploring more and just growing in leaps and bounds.

Now for the downside (if there is one): watch the pennies — just keep a record and make sure there’s a modicum of discipline about your spending.

Pisces 2024 horoscope: Sun & Rising Sign

You’re usually so hidden, Pisces, but we want to see more of you, out there in the human realms.

We all know it’s not where you’d choose to be, but we need your dreams and visions — we’re ready for you.

You may feel the extra pull of Mars in your area of friendship and community, he’s motivating you to get out there and let your voice be heard.

You’re going to see yourself growing loads in 2024; launch that business, increase your prices, make things happen.

The Eclipses will help you to make your dreams a reality and you can even earn more money from those dreams, too.

Want to get a new contract signed or find new networks for your business then the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will show you how in April.

The investor or collaborator you need to push a project forward might show up with their chequebook!

If you’re looking for funding to manifest those dreams then your timing works best in spring or around October.

And so, the celestial stage is set for 2024!

This year promises to be a whirlwind of transformation, growth, and unexpected delights.

From fiery Aries forging a new path to introspective Pisces stepping into the limelight, each Sign has a unique adventure awaiting them under the watchful gaze of the stars.

Will 2024 be the year you finally unlock the full potential of your Rising Sign?

As Pluto enters the Age of Aquarius, what seeds of change will be sown within you?

Will unexpected love connections blossom under the influence of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction?

Remember, these are just glimpses into what the year could look like.

Curious about what the stars hold for you in 2024?

Get your personalised Celestial Insight: Astrology & Tarot Year Ahead Reading based on your Birth Chart for a glimpse into your year ahead.


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