2024 Astrology Predictions: Key Planetary Transits & Opportunities

Wooden blocks with 2, 0, 2, 3 written on them, with the final block flipping to reveal 4 -- spelling out  2023/2024. Against a sparkly light blue background

“Astrology is a language – if you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.” – Dane Rudhyar (Author, Composer, Astrologer, Student of Carl Jung)

As 2023 comes to a close, now’s the time to take stock and reflect on the moments that have challenged or changed you.

These moments are the backbone of the fresh page you turn for the new year — but what do the stars have in store for you?

After a quick 2023 review, we’ll take a peek at the major planetary transits for 2024.

2023 highlights from Stars & Signs

For Tassia and I, 2023 has been a year of life-changing decisions – the best kind of decisions that light up the way for a truly exciting 2024.

In April, after years of dedication to our construction business, my hubby, Ian, and I realised it was time to switch gears.

It wasn't a quick decision, but by October, we took the plunge and are now officially semi-retired!

And now, I'm dedicating much more time into Stars & Signs while Ian embraces the joys of free time (with, I'm sure, plenty of projects thrown in the mix!).

I should’ve seen this coming, really, since Pluto, the intense, slow-moving planet of evolution, has been doing a to-and-fro dance over my Midheaven and squaring my Moon.

In plain-speak, that indicates a time in our lives when there’s no going back from changes of life direction.

Our Midheaven indicates where we ‘show up’ in the world in terms of our career and public persona, and our Moon placement speaks to our emotional disposition – so, yes, I should’ve known that 2023 would bring something big in its wake!

Since semi-retirement, life has been hectic, with a much-needed holiday and some very satisfying decluttering.

2024 has a wide open door for me to step through and now, with Pluto moving into forward-thinking Aquarius, I really can’t wait!

And for Tassia… well, in August, Dean, Tassia’s partner, popped the question.

To say we were all thrilled would be an understatement.

With Venus, the planet of love, transiting Tassia’s 7th House of Relationships and having a lovely conversation with her Aries Sun, along with Jupiter in Taurus providing a lovely sense of security in her 4th House of Home, it’s clear to see the stars definitely aligned!

(And it’s no surprise to any of us that their Synastry shows a clear Astro connection!)

With their wedding planned for next February, there’s been no time to lose and, fortunately, most of the planning (including her stunning dress!) was chosen fairly quickly.

As for the Astrology in store for the big day, that’s for a whole other blog post!

What happened in 2023 Astrologically?

Astrologically, 2023 has felt like a transition year, and 2024 will bring some of the same energy along with the beginning of a paradigm shift with a breath of fresh Air!

Personal and global finances have been in turmoil (not that we didn’t all notice!), and there have been more conflicts than any of us would want to remember.

But the highlights have also included some innovations in technology especially around AI, and a renewed vigour to find solutions to the climate crisis.

What will happen in 2024 Astrologically?

So what’s in store for 2024?

Let’s take a look at the most significant Planetary influences in 2024 and how they could affect us all globally.

And if you’re after something more in-depth, do get in touch for a personalised Reading, exploring your Birth Chart and how these Planetary transits might impact you.

Outer Planetary influences in 2024

Quick reminder before we dive in: the Outer Planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Pluto in Aquarius (20 January to 1 September, then from 1 November)

The biggest shift for next year is Pluto having its final dance between Capricorn and Aquarius.

This Planet of Transformation will be in Aquarius from 20 January until 1 September when it slips back into Capricorn for the one last time until 1 November.

It’s not like Pluto hasn’t been in Capricorn before, or that it’ll never visit this Sign again; but it moves so slowly that there’s no-one alive who’ll experience this placement again.

Pluto stays in a single Sign for between 12-32 years, and it’ll be in Aquarius for about 20 years.

Since Pluto represents our relationship with death and rebirth as well as change through evolution, any shifts in its placement bring powerful growth and re-invention in their wake.

With Pluto in Aquarius, there are themes of innovation, technological advances, and breaking free.

As a collective, we’ll be wondering how to honour our individuality, along with some tough conversations ahead concerning humanitarian causes.

And with AI on the rise, we can expect more focus on looking out for authenticity amongst the words that are used by others – whose line is it anyway?!

Neptune in Pisces (2011 to 2026)

There’s not much change with Neptune in 2024 – it’s staying in Pisces for the year, where it’s been since 2011 and will stay until 2026.

As the Planet of imagination, spirituality, and faith in the sign of the mystic, there’s a continued spotlight on our spirituality and finding purpose, particularly during these times when feelings of loss and confusion often prevail.

But we’d be wise not to remain in the shadow side of Neptune’s escapist tendencies, instead embracing compassion and connection.

Let’s enjoy our creative and artistic sides this year, too — everything from ballet to photography, poetry to art… we can make something beautiful this year.

Uranus in Taurus (March 2019 to July 2025)

If it’s sudden change you’re after, then look to Uranus, who’s still in the tangible world of Taurus.

Since Taurus loves all things practical, expect to see cool new inventions affecting the things we use every day – like food, clothes, and even how we handle money.

Much-needed breakthroughs and progress could emerge regarding climate change and conservation – here’s hoping!

Saturn in Pisces (March 2023 to February 2026)

Sensible Saturn also remains in Pisces for 2024, he’s a tough buddy for Neptune, but might help us find some purpose to all that spirituality.

If that gives structure to the woo-woo, then bring it on!

Maybe there are more serious discussions about the benefits of embracing our intuitive selves.

With a need for discipline, Saturn is asking us to dedicate some time to our personal spiritual practice to find deeper meaning in our lives – without compromising on compassion for our fellow humans as they find their own, too.

Jupiter in Gemini (25 May 2024 to 9 June 2025)

Last but certainly not least, we have Jupiter, the fun-loving planet of abundance and positivity.

Currently in Taurus, we’re enjoying some of the comforts and earthly pleasures until Jupiter saunters over into sociable Gemini from 25 May for about a year.

From then, it’s all about words, words, and more words!

How do we communicate effectively and also adapt our language to remain open-minded?

This placement shouts curiosity, information, and ideas from the rooftops.

Go out, meet new people, share ideas, and learn something new.

Beware of propaganda and fake news though – after all, AI can also shout loudly, too.

Will 2024 be a good year?

And so to my thoughts as an Astrologer about the potential of the Planetary Transits of 2024.

Next year will bring a focus on finding out what’s really important for each of us on a very personal level – for many, even spiritually.

We’ll be reviewing our place in society while keeping our lives on track with our individual beliefs and goals.

If you’re planning to start a business venture, January to March is the best time for new projects.

This is the only part of the year when all the planets will be in direct motion.

It holds a fabulous energy for planning, preparation, and really starting to work on any intentions that you’re hoping to fulfill in 2024.

We don’t really like to call them “resolutions” — we can all be resolute but still have bumps in the road — but by setting intentions, we’re working with the Universe to co-create what we hope to achieve, helping our dreams manifest into reality.

March brings a sweetness with Venus, the Planet of love, having a lovely conversation with Jupiter, the planet of expansion – enjoy loved-up feelings and be prepared to spend money on yourself and those you love!

If food brings you joy then eat, drink, and be merry!

Try adding some healthier choices so your body feels the love, too.

The Aries/Libra axis eclipses this year will have us exploring our important relationships and any changing dynamics.

Do those relationships align with your beliefs or do you need to step away to express your authentic ideals?

What will be the best month in 2024 for Astrology?

As for which month will be the 2024 focus, April has my vote!

In April, Jupiter, the Planet of expansion, meets up with Uranus, the Planet of innovation and the unexpected, in the Fixed Sign of Taurus.

If you have any Planets in Taurus or other Fixed Planetary Placements (Aquarius, Scorpio, or Leo) April will be a big month for you.

This meetup (also known as a Conjunction) happens about every 14 years and indicates a time of fast-paced, unexpected growth.

In Taurus, this could highlight your finances or show up in more tangible, practical ways.

Globally, we could expect to see some innovation in the way supply chains are managed especially when it comes to the world food markets.

We can expect big surprises as breakthroughs meet with materiality – what they bring in their wake might just catch us all off guard… as they’re supposed to!

Once Jupiter moves into sociable Gemini in May, life becomes busier, socially; then from August when she squares Saturn, there will be a big push to go after what we feel is important.

So there’s yet more focus on working out what we really believe in during 2024.

If you’re making any important decisions this year, be prepared to adjust your plans and be flexible when it comes to fulfilling your dreams.

What was important a couple of years ago might just need reevaluating, depending on where you find yourself now.

Some of your choices this year will set the tone for the next five years, so be discerning and dig deep for what really motivates you and stirs your passion.

From August to October, the outer planets (Pluto, Neptune and Uranus) will be in conversation with each other – the potential for us as a collective is sky-high!

The Outer Planets guide Astrologers to review history, looking at when these transits crossed our skies before, to find out how humanity was affected back then.

The feelings of revolution are approaching; a shifting of ideals as we pursue a new humanitarian future and forgive the sins of our past.

And, ultimately, the Age of Aquarius will finally be upon us.

This passion to fight for a cause and stand up for the underdog sees the year end with a (slightly challenging) Mars Retrograde taking us into 2025 and what promises to be another eventful year, so watch this space!

Mars Retrograde asks us to tone down the anger so we can regroup and become more effective, together.

We might want to parade the streets with banners blaming big corporations and a money-led society, but that’s not going to help us win with compassion and realise that we all have our part to play.

As an Astrologer, I feel that, in 2024, the Universe will ask us all to ponder some big questions about our personal view of spirituality and who we want to be as well as learning that respect for the individual is everyone’s responsibility..

What does it mean to you to be a part of this universe at this time?

It’s a big question, I know, but it can help you think about your focus for the coming years on your journey and who you want to take forward with you.

So what’s the story written in the stars for you in 2024?

Well, your Birth Chart holds the secrets!

By exploring which areas of your chart the Planets are moving or transiting through, you can unlock specific areas of focus.

Will your finances flourish under a 2nd House spotlight?

Or will your 11th House shine bright, bringing fun and new friendships?

Is love on the horizon with a Venus transit through your 7th House of relationships?

Get in touch now, and together, we’ll discover what 2024 has in store for you.


Your 2024 Horoscope by Zodiac: Major Transits, Aspects & Key Astrological Dates


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