Wedding Day Astrology in Practice

Did you know that, in its early days, Astrology played an essential role in assisting leaders with timing for decision-making?

For hundreds of years, the Astronomers and Astrologers of yesteryear were relied upon by those in power to provide specific dates for virtually everything where success could be (almost) guaranteed!

With no Netflix or internet to keep them entertained, looking up at the sky was an accepted pastime for the masses.

However, the charts and data that could be obtained were a privilege reserved for those who could afford it.

While the wisdom of the ancients has been adapted in today’s society to meet the need for insights into our individual lives, rest assured, behind the scenes, many politicians and princes still look to the skies for guidance.

Astrologers often use coronation dates, election dates or the founding dates of countries and territories to assess the condition of specific outcomes.

Some Astrologers even specialise in timing techniques, in a subdivision known as Electional Astrology, which is wholly concerned with working out which days are best for which activities — like weddings!

So how does it work?

Well, let’s take a look at a specific, very important date in recent history — our very own Tassia and Dean’s wedding!

Electional Astrology for Tassia and Dean’s wedding

Tassia and Dean’s big day was on Friday, February 2nd 2024, so let’s break down how it looks in Electional Astrology.

Firstly, we can see that, on that date, the radiant, life-giving Sun is perfectly placed on top of Tassia's unique Aquarius Rising Sign (a placement she shares with her now-husband!).

Imagine the brightest light in our world shining down on your ‘essence, offering life-affirming warmth’— how fabulous does that sound for your wedding day?

Tassia will undoubtedly feel and look amazing, but, most importantly, she'll feel like she's in the right place at the right time.

The ruling planet at the time of the wedding is Mercury, perfect for communication (perfect, since there are lots of speeches and vows!).

With Mercury currently in reliable and dedicated Capricorn, it's adding a level of deep commitment to all the words shared that day.

The personal Planets, Mars and Venus, are also in sensible, responsible Capricorn, representing tenacity, tradition and longevity.

Tassia and Dean are truly expressing their devotion to each other, and that meeting of Mars and Venus offers a blend of passion and sweetness.

Finally, the ruling Planet of their relationship area at the time of the wedding is Jupiter, which is currently in Taurus, adding stability and grounding.

This fabulous overall theme is activating Tassia’s 4th House of home and family — she’s literally forming a new family unit!

A retrospective on Tassia and Dean’s wedding

Now that it’s a few days since they tied the knot, we can take a look at how the skies inspired and influenced the big day.

First, that Sun shining on Tassia’s Aquarius Rising — did she feel like she was in the right place at the right time?

In her own words: “We’ve been planning so much for our wedding (in just 6 months!), and I’m a natural panicker — I was expecting to feel much more nervous and worried about timings and things happening ‘right’ on the day. But when it all came around, I was just floating through it all, feeling emotions in the moment, not worried about what was next. Timings went a bit wobbly, but I didn’t care — I was just there, enjoying every second.”

Now for the ruling Planet at the time of the wedding: Mercury — the Planet of communication and thought.

Well, there were a lot of speeches — many of them quite long! — but every word (even the heckles) were all a perfect addition to the day.

As for the Capricorn placement of Mercury… well, let’s take a look at Dean’s vows to Tassia (which they both ended up writing just hours before the ceremony): “In this game we call life, I promise to be your constant, your sidekick, your best friend, and your husband. I promise to always have your back, support your dreams, and I will never leave your side, no matter how tough the road ahead gets.”

How’s that for commitment?

Next, Mars and Venus in Capricorn, for tenacity, tradition, and longevity — definitely coming through in Dean’s vows, but also in everyone’s speeches.

Tassia’s brother, Adam (also her Best Man — setting her own traditions!) had a beautiful speech that left everyone reaching for their hankies.

Sharing poetry written by their grandparents (my Mum and Dad) was a perfectly personal way to tie in that tradition and inspire longevity in their marriage.

With their relationship’s ruling Planet, Jupiter, in Taurus, there was definitely a feeling that this marriage has a solid foundation to go the distance, with no doubts whatsoever.

But another side of Taurus also crept through — in the food of the wedding!

From the canapes to the wedding breakfast, then the stunning cake and evening food, every bite was divine.

And the drinks were certainly flowing!

So with Jupiter in Taurus, let’s just say that the Planet of decadence in a Sign synonymous with food and drink led to some slightly fragile heads the morning after!

It was a perfect day — one we’ll be talking about for decades to come.

And the skies knew how it would transpire all along.

Keen to see what Electional Astrology says about specific dates in your future (or past)?

Get in touch!


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