Year in Focus (12-Card) Tarot Reading

90 minutes

via Zoom or in person

Includes video recording, photo of your Tarot spread, and brief notes

Want to find out what the year ahead has in store for you?

Looking for the perfect unusual birthday or anniversary gift?

Wondering what lessons you need to learn over the next twelve months?

Discover what your Year in Focus could look like with this 12-Card Intuitive Tarot Reading.

Find out what your year ahead looks like

“We can predict the future when we know how the present moment evolved from the past.” – Carl Jung

Each year is an opportunity to write the next chapter of your life – new adventures, new experiences, and new choices.

Our Year in Focus Tarot Reading will give you a deeper look into the next year, or anytime you want to review your long-term goals and how you can achieve them.

This 12-Card Tarot Reading can offer clarity and insight into what to expect for the year ahead, where you need to focus your attention, and, potentially, how to transform your life.

Seize the day – and the year ahead!

The 78-Card Tarot Deck is made up of Major and Minor Arcana, with each card full of symbol-rich imagery to be interpreted and translated into life lessons and personality archetypes.

The Tarot Deck follows our paths of fulfilment, from the Fool, unaware of what the universe wants to show us, to the World, where we have everything we need – contented and happy.

See what the future has in store for you