Written in the Stars Astrology Consultation

75 minutes

via Zoom or in person
Includes video recording, copy of your Birth Chart, and brief notes

This ‘deeper dive’ Astrology Consultation will explore your ‘Super Three’ (your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs), your Sect Light, your House Placements, and key Aspects within your chart, establishing some major themes that act as significant energies in your life.

We’ll also look at the current Planetary Transits, with the intention of discovering which areas of your life are likely to require your attention, both now and in the coming weeks or months.

This comprehensive Astrology Consultation will provide an overview of your personality to include insights into what makes you unique, along with the current Planetary Transits to ascertain what might be happening for you, right at this moment.

Sun Sign (I will)

Your Sun Sign is your driving force – your Ego.

Your Sun Sign can indicate your immediate response to certain situations, and how you ‘show up’ in the world.

Most of us know our Sun Signs as ‘generic’ Star Signs, and while they are important, they’re not the end to our understanding of ourselves.

Aries – 21 March - 19 April
Taurus – 20 April - 20 May
Gemini – 21 May - 20 June
Cancer – 21 June - 22 July
Leo – 23 July - 22 August
Virgo – 23 August - 22 September
Libra – 23 September - 22 October
Scorpio – 23 October - 21 November
Sagittarius – 22 November - 21 December
Capricorn – 22 December - 19 January
Aquarius – 20 January - 18 February
Pisces – 19 February - 20 March

The House your Sun Sign sits in is the key theme running throughout your life, which we will also explore during your Astrology Consultation.

Moon Sign (I feel)

How we experience emotions differs from person to person, and that’s shown in our Moon Sign.

Moon Signs can help explain how you process your emotions and react to situations, and understanding this placement can help you give yourself permission for the way you feel and how you express those emotions.

The House of your Moon Sign can indicate where and how your emotions might be expressed or even, suppressed.

Rising Sign (I am)

Your Rising Sign (or Ascendant Sign) is like your operating system — your external expression and how you appear to the world.

Described by ancient Astrologers as the ‘helmsman’ for your life.

This important placement and its Ruling Planet are key to discovering your guiding light.

I can help you identify your Rising Sign and how to allow yourself to be who you are called to be.

The Rising Sign changes position approximately every two hours, so your time of birth is important to access this vital piece of astrological information.

However, Consultations can be carried out without accurate birth times, if needed.

I can offer advice about Chart Rectification to help you find out your Rising Sign.

Your Super Three is the ‘permission slip’ to be who you are

Your Sect Light

Which luminary has the most influence in your Chart?

The ancient concept of Sect serves as a guide to the most favourable and most challenging Placements within your Chart.

If you were born during the day then the Sun and the associated diurnal Planets take centre-stage, at night, the Moon comes into focus with her nocturnal companions take precedence.

Your House Placements

A Birth Chart is separated into 12 different areas of life, called Houses, representing everything that can happen within the Human Experience — through subjects as diverse as family, career, money, travel, education and spirituality.

Where the Planets are placed in your Chart can offer specific information about the areas of your life where there are talents, challenges, ease or work to be done.

1st House: Self, body, appearance

2nd House: Money, resources

3rd House: Communication, siblings, early education

4th House: Home, family, property

5th House: Creativity, fun, children, sex

6th House: Health, routines, small pets, service

7th House: Close relationships, marriage

8th House: Shared resources, debt, death

9th House: Travel, higher education, spirituality

10th House: Work, status, reputation

11th House: Friendship, community

12th House: Retreat, illness, surrender

Key Aspects

Along with your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs, we’ll also dive into other Planets and their influence on your Astrological Birth Chart.

These are the dynamics of your character, areas of conflict and harmony, and how you may be expressing any indicated potential.

These Aspects might reveal why you’re a social butterfly, why you’re great with children, or why you perform well under pressure.

Or, they could help explain why it’s a challenge to find the right words, why you’re self-critical, and why you find it hard to express your emotions.

Perhaps you have Mercury conjunct your Sun, making you a quick-thinker, fast-talker, and great communicator.

Maybe Venus is opposite your Sun, and you have some challenges with your love life or wherever you call home.

Once we explore these Aspects, you can become the Observer in your life - making decisions to help you live in alignment with your Highest Purpose.

This can include:

Mercury, Planet of intellect (I think/analyse)
Venus, Planet of love (I have/balance)
Mars, Planet of energy
(I am)
Jupiter, Planet of expansion (I seek/see)
Saturn, Planet of life lessons (I use)
Uranus, Planet of eccentricity (I know)
Neptune, Planet of dreams and illusions (I believe)
Pluto, Planet of transformation (I desire)

Your key Aspects shine a light on what makes you unique

Planetary Transits

The Planets are always in motion.

By understanding these Transits and how they might be affecting our own Astrological Birth Chart, we can understand and embrace various life events as they happen.

The placement of the Planets at any given time can indicate important trends and issues in your life and the world around you, affecting your thoughts and feelings.

While your Astrological Birth Chart doesn’t change, the placement of the Planets changes every day – every minute, in fact!

Together, we’ll explore how the Planetary Transits are impacting your life right now, in your past, and in the future.

Your Planetary Transits help you focus on the here and now