Taurus Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast

In 2024, this Taurus season is defined for everyone with Jupiter/Uranus conjunction — expect the unexpected!

It’s a time of breakthroughs, especially when it comes to technology.

Go big or go home!

Changes often happen to make way for something new, and since Jupiter is the Planet of expansion and Uranus represents the unpredictable, it could be a significant new beginning for many of us.

We’re also still in Eclipse season, and this conjunction, coming hot on the heels of the Solar Eclipse, could bring some really big, much-needed shifts in energy.

If you’ve been feeling stuck recently, look out for opportunities and meet the Universe halfway by being willing and open to all possibilities.

Mercury goes direct again on 25 April, which means communication can ease up and conversations can be easier.

Send those emails and file that paperwork without fear again!

And, since Mercury is in Aries at the moment, if you’ve found time for reflection since March then you may feel a renewed vigour to keep on top of your ‘to-do’ lists.

In this article:

How to read your 2024 Taurus season horoscope

For a truly personalised horoscope, you’ll need your Rising Sign (also known as your Ascendant).

This is the Sign that was rising over the Eastern horizon the moment you were born, and it’s handy to know!

Think of your Rising Sign as influencing how you experience the world, shaping first impressions, and guiding your approach to life.

If you don't know yours, you can find it easily using a free online calculator or drop us a message, we're happy to help.

Of course, your Sun Sign still shines through your Chart, revealing your inner motivations and your unique spark, so it can be useful to look at the horoscope for both your Rising and Sun Signs.

But your Rising Sign is the key that unlocks how all these other Astrological transits come into play in your life.

When does Taurus season start?

Taurus season 2024 officially begins on Friday 19th of April at 13:59 — but there's no need to rush into it, that’s not the Taurean way of things!

Unlike Aries season (which we’re coming out of), Taurus prefers a slower, more methodical approach.

This is our cue to ease into the beauty of the season as the buds begin to blossom, pushing their way out of the ground.

We're moving away from the fast-paced energy of the Spring Equinox and settling into the grounded rhythms of Earth.

It's time to savour the longer days, appreciate those blossoming flowers, and treat ourselves to simple comforts.

When does Taurus season end?

Taurus season draws to a close as the Sun prepares to shift into the sociable energy of Gemini, on Monday 20th of May at 12:59.

But fear not, the grounding energy you've cultivated won't disappear overnight!

The beauty, stability, and abundance nurtured during Taurus season will linger, providing a strong foundation for the exciting shifts ahead.

Remember, the Stars are always in motion, and each new season brings its own unique magic to discover ✨

What energy does Taurus season bring for you?

How this energy affects you will depend on your Astrological Birth Chart, including your Rising Sign placement, but generally, Taurus season is all about slowing down and savouring life's simple pleasures.

Ruled by Venus, the Planet of beauty, love and connection, it’s a time to tap into our senses and appreciate the tangible world around us.

This Earth Sign brings an emphasis on stability, groundedness, and enjoying that which we're cultivating into the practical world.

Taurus season is ideal for enjoying and appreciating good food, enjoying the beauty of nature, and nurturing our bodies and relationships.

It's a time to be present, find comfort in routine, and make self-care a priority.

Taurus inspires us to build upon existing foundations and secure resources.

We're encouraged to make practical decisions for long-term growth without rushing the process.

It's a fantastic time to work on projects that require patience and dedication.

Get ready to feel a sense of groundedness and appreciation for the established beauty in your life!

But even more awaits; here's your Taurus season horoscope for 2024 by Zodiac Sign:

♈ Aries horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Did the Solar Eclipse leave you feeling like something has shifted within you, Aries?

Or are you still waiting to feel its impact?

With Mars, your ruler, rather uncomfortable in watery Pisces, you might feel like you’re treading water until the end of the month. 

Make the most of this new season by shaking up your image to represent who you feel you’re becoming — whether that’s a new wardrobe, a new hairstyle, or something more.

This is a year of metamorphosis for you!

And the exciting Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your second House of money could see you dressing for success. 👩‍💼

♉ Taurus horoscope for Taurus season 2024

The end of April is all about your sign, Taurus.

With possibly the most significant Planetary alignment of 2024 happening on 20 April, we couldn’t be more excited for you.

Jupiter and Uranus meet up in your Sign and offer the advancements and breakthroughs that you’ve needed.

That shake-up is for you on a personal level — redefining who you really are.

Your ruler, Venus, is slightly out of sorts in assertive Aries, asking you to take some time out to process this shift in your changing sense of identity

Perhaps a spa day might help to quieten your mind — any excuse! 💆‍♀️

♊ Gemini horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Are you feeling the push/pull of socialising versus stepping away from some solitude, Gemini?

If so, breaking out of old patterns of your need to keep the conversations going could be just what’s required now.

Mercury, your ruler, will go direct in a few days and in Aries, you can speak up for yourself within friendships.

Work and friendships may feel a little exhausting this month and retreating will help you get back to your chatty self when it’s your time for your Sign next month! 🗣️

♋ Cancer horoscope for Taurus season 2024

There’s a highlight on your House of friendships this month, Cancer, with the potential to find new friends or connect with a new community.

Home life might make you feel more depleted than usual this month, so getting out and about to meet up with others will bring some light relief.

With your ruler being the ever-changing Moon, we start the month in practical Virgo, so spend the first couple of days working out your plan for the month ahead.

If work is feeling a little stilted, then speak up and ask for a change in responsibilities — the Eclipses this year are still putting a spotlight on your career area. 💼

♌ Leo horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Have you recently applied for a new job or shifted your career focus, Leo?

The Taurus Sun shines a light on your 10th House of career this month.

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction might offer the change of direction you’re looking for.

Be open to letting your focus shift with any opportunity that comes your way, even if it takes a slightly different form than you thought it might!

If you’ve been thinking about returning to studies, make sure your finances are in order first — this isn’t the time to saddle yourself with lots of debt! 💸

♍ Virgo horoscope for Taurus season 2024

This could be a spiritual month for you, Virgo, with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 9th House of higher wisdom.

Explore other belief systems to integrate into your lifestyle.

Travelling to immerse yourself in different cultures could offer you valuable experiences allowing you to live the life you envision for yourself.

If others feel challenged by your need to work through your spiritual philosophy, it’s time to put in some boundaries to maintain mutual understanding.

With your ruler, Mercury, in your 8th House of shared resources, it could be time to check your investments and joint financial planning. 📝

♎ Libra horoscope for Taurus season 2024

If ever there was a chance for an unexpected inheritance, this is the month, Libra!

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will happen in your 8th House of other people’s money.

The focus could be on that inheritance or perhaps there’s a breakthrough in your own investments or debt management.

This may bring some challenging discussions within close partnerships, and you may be more keen to speak up for yourself this time.

If things get stressful, focus on your health: make sure you’re eating healthily, getting enough exercise and rest, and taking your vitamins regularly. 🫶

♏ Scorpio horoscope for Taurus season 2024

It’s a relationship focus for you, Scorpio.

If you’ve carried forward unhelpful habits from your lineage, you might want to change things up for your close relationships now.

You can get that breakthrough with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction happening in your 7th House of partnership.

If it’s a business relationship that’s under the spotlight, you’ll want to make some changes to establish a better way of working together.

If it’s tough to get to grips with a creative project, hang in there until the end of the month, when your ruler, Mars, shifts comfortably into Aries. 💪

♐ Sagittarius horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Are you making changes to your daily routines, Sagittarius?

Jupiter and Uranus are offering you the opportunity to make some exciting breakthroughs in your health.

This is amplified with Jupiter as the ruler of your Sign, so vitamins, exercise, eating healthily, and getting out in the sun, all feel so much better now, and it’s much easier to plan your days.

If you’re having challenges with your team then these could be resolved soon.

If you’re feeling under pressure at home, finding a creative outlet will help especially if you can get the words down on paper. ✍️

♑ Capricorn horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Planning to get creative or even starting a family, Capricorn?

It’s a good month for you to get loved-up and innovative as you’re inspired to try something new.

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your fellow Earth Sign makes you want to express yourself.

You could even discover that you have a talent which leads to a new income stream.

If you’ve been wanting to change the look of your home, but don’t know where to start, Mercury going direct may lead you to get out the magazines for inspiration.

Your ruler, Saturn, is working on defining your spirituality — try going with the flow to see what ‘feels’ right for you now. 🔮

♒ Aquarius horoscope for Taurus season 2024

Home is under the influence of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, breakthroughs and changes are coming.

If you’ve been thinking about your heritage and what family means to you, you’ll be wanting to make some changes of your own now.

Even redecorating and moving are possibilities right now.

This could have an effect on your income, which comes under the spotlight with your ruler, Saturn, asking for some cutbacks now.

With Pluto having moved into your Sign for the next 20 years or so, there are big changes to who you are in every sense of the word. 🤯

♓ Pisces horoscope for Taurus season 2024

If you’re usually a silent Pisces, you might feel drawn to getting your words out this month, Pisces.

Self-expression is a little challenging this month, so if you’re not up for conversations, journalling or writing poetry will help.

If you’re writing a blog, a book, or something for your local paper, your words will flow easily, with your ruler, Jupiter, in your 3rd House of communication.

Sibling relationships are under the influence of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and there’s a breakthrough in communication.

Don’t have siblings? Perhaps it’s your neighbour — has someone interesting moved in next door? 👀

We might all have been feeling a little out of sorts for the start of 2024 — we’ve all been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.

The energy is shifting, the Solar Eclipse calls us to action, and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is the epitome of ‘expect the unexpected’, if you need a shove in the right direction.

Things may not go as you think they should, or even as you currently plan, but take that curve ball and run with it.

This is a year underpinned by change — we can see it all around us as we redefine what it means to be authentically ourselves as individuals and within our crazy, mixed-up humanity!

So get out there and enjoy Taurus season 2024!

After more personal insights unique to you?

Get in touch for an in-depth Astrology Reading, and we’ll explore what the recent Eclipses, along with the powerful Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, could mean for you this Taurus season.


Gemini Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast


Aries Season 2024 Horoscopes: Your Astrological Forecast